* @throws IOException
private String postDownload(String jobId) {
DownloadJob dnld = jobs.get(jobId);
TemplateDownloader td = dnld.getTemplateDownloader();
String resourcePath = dnld.getInstallPathPrefix(); // path with mount
// directory
String finalResourcePath = dnld.getTmpltPath(); // template download
// path on secondary
// storage
ResourceType resourceType = dnld.getResourceType();
// once template path is set, remove the parent dir so that the template
// is installed with a relative path
String finalResourcePath = "";
if (resourceType == ResourceType.TEMPLATE) {
finalResourcePath += _templateDir + File.separator + dnld.getAccountId() + File.separator + dnld.getId() + File.separator;
resourcePath = dnld.getInstallPathPrefix() + dnld.getAccountId() + File.separator + dnld.getId() + File.separator;// dnld.getTmpltName();
} else {
finalResourcePath += _volumeDir + File.separator + dnld.getId() + File.separator;
resourcePath = dnld.getInstallPathPrefix() + dnld.getId() + File.separator;// dnld.getTmpltName();
File originalTemplate = new File(td.getDownloadLocalPath());
String checkSum = computeCheckSum(originalTemplate);
if (checkSum == null) {
s_logger.warn("Something wrong happened when try to calculate the checksum of downloaded template!");
int imgSizeGigs = (int) Math.ceil(_storage.getSize(td.getDownloadLocalPath()) * 1.0d / (1024 * 1024 * 1024));
imgSizeGigs++; // add one just in case
long timeout = imgSizeGigs * installTimeoutPerGig;
Script scr = null;
String script = resourceType == ResourceType.TEMPLATE ? createTmpltScr : createVolScr;
scr = new Script(script, timeout, s_logger);
scr.add("-s", Integer.toString(imgSizeGigs));
scr.add("-S", Long.toString(td.getMaxTemplateSizeInBytes()));
if (dnld.getDescription() != null && dnld.getDescription().length() > 1) {
scr.add("-d", dnld.getDescription());
if (dnld.isHvm()) {
// add options common to ISO and template
String extension = dnld.getFormat().getFileExtension();
String templateName = "";
if (extension.equals("iso")) {
templateName = jobs.get(jobId).getTmpltName().trim().replace(" ", "_");
} else {
templateName = java.util.UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes((jobs.get(jobId).getTmpltName() + System.currentTimeMillis()).getBytes()).toString();
// run script to mv the temporary template file to the final template
// file
String templateFilename = templateName + "." + extension;
dnld.setTmpltPath(finalResourcePath + "/" + templateFilename);
scr.add("-n", templateFilename);
scr.add("-t", resourcePath);
scr.add("-f", td.getDownloadLocalPath()); // this is the temporary
// template file downloaded
if (dnld.getChecksum() != null && dnld.getChecksum().length() > 1) {
scr.add("-c", dnld.getChecksum());
scr.add("-u"); // cleanup