
Examples of

    public static List<SecurityGroupVO> getSecurityGroupsForVm(long vmId) {
        return _securityGroupMgr.getSecurityGroupsForVm(vmId);

    public static String getSnapshotIntervalTypes(long snapshotId) {
        SnapshotVO snapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
        return snapshot.getRecurringType().name();
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    public static ServiceOffering findServiceOfferingById(Long serviceOfferingId) {
        return _serviceOfferingDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(serviceOfferingId);

    public static Snapshot findSnapshotById(long snapshotId) {
        SnapshotVO snapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
        if (snapshot != null && snapshot.getRemoved() == null && snapshot.getState() == Snapshot.State.BackedUp) {
            return snapshot;
        } else {
            return null;
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    } else if(usageRecord.getUsageType() == UsageTypes.SNAPSHOT){
      //Snapshot ID
      SnapshotVO snap = _entityMgr.findByIdIncludingRemoved(SnapshotVO.class, usageRecord.getUsageId().toString());
      //Snapshot Size

        } else if(usageRecord.getUsageType() == UsageTypes.LOAD_BALANCER_POLICY){
            //Load Balancer Policy ID
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        long templateId = command.getEntityId();
        Long volumeId = command.getVolumeId();
        Long snapshotId = command.getSnapshotId();
        VMTemplateVO privateTemplate = null;
        Long accountId = null;
        SnapshotVO snapshot = null;
        VolumeVO volume = null;

        try {
            TemplateInfo tmplInfo = this._tmplFactory.getTemplate(templateId, DataStoreRole.Image);
            long zoneId = 0;
            if (snapshotId != null) {
                snapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
                zoneId = snapshot.getDataCenterId();
            } else if (volumeId != null) {
                volume = _volumeDao.findById(volumeId);
                zoneId = volume.getDataCenterId();
            DataStore store = this._dataStoreMgr.getImageStore(zoneId);
            if (store == null) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("cannot find an image store for zone " + zoneId);
            AsyncCallFuture<TemplateApiResult> future = null;
            if (snapshotId != null) {
                SnapshotInfo snapInfo = this._snapshotFactory.getSnapshot(snapshotId, DataStoreRole.Image);
                DataStore snapStore = snapInfo.getDataStore();
                if ( snapStore != null ){
                    store = snapStore; // pick snapshot image store to create template
                future = this._tmpltSvr.createTemplateFromSnapshotAsync(snapInfo, tmplInfo, store);
            } else if (volumeId != null) {
                VolumeInfo volInfo = this._volFactory.getVolume(volumeId);
                future = this._tmpltSvr.createTemplateFromVolumeAsync(volInfo, tmplInfo, store);
            } else {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Creating private Template need to specify snapshotId or volumeId");

            CommandResult result = null;
            try {
                result = future.get();
                if (result.isFailed()) {
                    privateTemplate = null;
                    s_logger.debug("Failed to create template" + result.getResult());
                    throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to create template" + result.getResult());

                VMTemplateZoneVO templateZone = new VMTemplateZoneVO(zoneId, templateId, new Date());

                privateTemplate = this._tmpltDao.findById(templateId);
                if (snapshotId != null) {
                    //getting the prent volume
                    long parentVolumeId=_snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId).getVolumeId();
                    VolumeVO parentVolume = _volumeDao.findById(parentVolumeId);
                    if (parentVolume != null && parentVolume.getIsoId() != null) {
                        _tmpltDao.update(privateTemplate.getId(), privateTemplate);
                else if (volumeId != null) {
                    VolumeVO parentVolume = _volumeDao.findById(volumeId);
                    if (parentVolume.getIsoId() != null) {
                        _tmpltDao.update(privateTemplate.getId(), privateTemplate);
                TemplateDataStoreVO srcTmpltStore = this._tmplStoreDao.findByStoreTemplate(store.getId(), templateId);
                UsageEventVO usageEvent = new UsageEventVO(EventTypes.EVENT_TEMPLATE_CREATE, privateTemplate.getAccountId(), zoneId,
                        privateTemplate.getId(), privateTemplate.getName(), null, privateTemplate.getSourceTemplateId(), srcTmpltStore.getPhysicalSize(), privateTemplate.getSize());
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                s_logger.debug("Failed to create template", e);
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to create template", e);
            } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                s_logger.debug("Failed to create template", e);
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to create template", e);

        } finally {
            /*if (snapshot != null && snapshot.getSwiftId() != null
                    && secondaryStorageURL != null && zoneId != null
                    && accountId != null && volumeId != null) {
                        zoneId, accountId, volumeId);
            if (privateTemplate == null) {
                Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
                // template_store_ref entries should have been removed using our
                // DataObject.processEvent command in case of failure, but clean
                // it up here to avoid
                // some leftovers which will cause removing template from
                // vm_template table fail.
                // Remove the template_zone_ref record
                // Remove the template record

                // decrement resource count
                if (accountId != null) {
                    _resourceLimitMgr.decrementResourceCount(accountId, ResourceType.template);
                    _resourceLimitMgr.decrementResourceCount(accountId, ResourceType.secondary_storage, new Long(volume != null ? volume.getSize()
                            : snapshot.getSize()));

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                    + ") and snapshot ID (" + snapshotId + ")");

        HypervisorType hyperType;
        VolumeVO volume = null;
        SnapshotVO snapshot = null;
        VMTemplateVO privateTemplate = null;
        if (volumeId != null) { // create template from volume
            volume = this._volumeDao.findById(volumeId);
            if (volume == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed to create private template record, unable to find volume " + volumeId);
            // check permissions
            _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, volume);

            // If private template is created from Volume, check that the volume
            // will not be active when the private template is
            // created
            if (!this._volumeMgr.volumeInactive(volume)) {
                String msg = "Unable to create private template for volume: " + volume.getName()
                        + "; volume is attached to a non-stopped VM, please stop the VM first";
                if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);

            hyperType = this._volumeDao.getHypervisorType(volumeId);
        } else { // create template from snapshot
            snapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
            if (snapshot == null) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed to create private template record, unable to find snapshot " + snapshotId);

            volume = this._volumeDao.findById(snapshot.getVolumeId());

            // check permissions
            _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, snapshot);

            if (snapshot.getState() != Snapshot.State.BackedUp) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Snapshot id=" + snapshotId + " is not in " + Snapshot.State.BackedUp
                        + " state yet and can't be used for template creation");

             * // bug #11428. Operation not supported if vmware and snapshots
             * parent volume = ROOT if(snapshot.getHypervisorType() ==
             * HypervisorType.VMware && snapshotVolume.getVolumeType() ==
             * Type.DATADISK){ throw new UnsupportedServiceException(
             * "operation not supported, snapshot with id " + snapshotId +
             * " is created from Data Disk"); }

            hyperType = snapshot.getHypervisorType();

        _resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(templateOwner, ResourceType.template);
        _resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(templateOwner, ResourceType.secondary_storage,
                new Long(volume != null ? volume.getSize() : snapshot.getSize()));

        if (!isAdmin || featured == null) {
            featured = Boolean.FALSE;
        Long guestOSId = cmd.getOsTypeId();
        GuestOSVO guestOS = this._guestOSDao.findById(guestOSId);
        if (guestOS == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("GuestOS with ID: " + guestOSId + " does not exist.");

        String uniqueName = Long.valueOf((userId == null) ? 1 : userId).toString() + UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(name.getBytes()).toString();
        Long nextTemplateId = this._tmpltDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id");
        String description = cmd.getDisplayText();
        boolean isExtractable = false;
        Long sourceTemplateId = null;
        if (volume != null) {
            VMTemplateVO template = ApiDBUtils.findTemplateById(volume.getTemplateId());
            isExtractable = template != null && template.isExtractable() && template.getTemplateType() != Storage.TemplateType.SYSTEM;
            if (template != null) {
                sourceTemplateId = template.getId();
            } else if (volume.getVolumeType() == Volume.Type.ROOT) { // vm
                // created
                // out
                // of blank
                // template
                UserVm userVm = ApiDBUtils.findUserVmById(volume.getInstanceId());
                sourceTemplateId = userVm.getIsoId();
        String templateTag = cmd.getTemplateTag();
        if (templateTag != null) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("Adding template tag: " + templateTag);
        privateTemplate = new VMTemplateVO(nextTemplateId, uniqueName, name, ImageFormat.RAW, isPublic, featured, isExtractable, TemplateType.USER,
                null, null, requiresHvmValue, bitsValue, templateOwner.getId(), null, description, passwordEnabledValue, guestOS.getId(), true,
                hyperType, templateTag, cmd.getDetails());

        if (sourceTemplateId != null) {
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                s_logger.debug("This template is getting created from other template, setting source template Id to: " + sourceTemplateId);

        VMTemplateVO template = this._tmpltDao.persist(privateTemplate);
        // Increment the number of templates
        if (template != null) {
            if (cmd.getDetails() != null) {
                this._templateDetailsDao.persist(template.getId(), cmd.getDetails());

            _resourceLimitMgr.incrementResourceCount(templateOwner.getId(), ResourceType.template);
            _resourceLimitMgr.incrementResourceCount(templateOwner.getId(), ResourceType.secondary_storage,
                    new Long(volume != null ? volume.getSize() : snapshot.getSize()));

        if (template != null) {
            return template;
        } else {
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        SnapshotInfo snapshot = this.snapshotFactory.getSnapshot(snapshotId, DataStoreRole.Primary);

        try {
          postCreateSnapshot(volumeId, snapshot.getId(), policyId);
          //Check if the snapshot was removed while backingUp. If yes, do not log snapshot create usage event
          SnapshotVO freshSnapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshot.getId());
          if ((freshSnapshot != null) && backedUp) {
            UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_CREATE, snapshot.getAccountId(),
                snapshot.getDataCenterId(), snapshotId, snapshot.getName(), null, null,
                volume.getSize(), snapshot.getClass().getName(), snapshot.getUuid());
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    public SnapshotVO getParentSnapshot(VolumeInfo volume) {
       long preId = _snapshotDao.getLastSnapshot(volume.getId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);

         SnapshotVO preSnapshotVO = null;
         if (preId != 0 && !(volume.getLastPoolId() != null && !volume.getLastPoolId().equals(volume.getPoolId()))) {
             preSnapshotVO = _snapshotDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(preId);

         return preSnapshotVO;
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        return userId;

    private void postCreateSnapshot(Long volumeId, Long snapshotId, Long policyId) {
        Long userId = getSnapshotUserId();
        SnapshotVO snapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
        if (policyId != Snapshot.MANUAL_POLICY_ID) {
            SnapshotScheduleVO snapshotSchedule = _snapshotScheduleDao.getCurrentSchedule(volumeId, policyId, true);
            assert snapshotSchedule != null;
            _snapshotScheduleDao.update(snapshotSchedule.getId(), snapshotSchedule);

        if (snapshot != null && snapshot.isRecursive()) {
            postCreateRecurringSnapshotForPolicy(userId, volumeId, snapshotId, policyId);
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    private void postCreateRecurringSnapshotForPolicy(long userId, long volumeId, long snapshotId, long policyId) {
        // Use count query
        SnapshotVO spstVO = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
        Type type = spstVO.getRecurringType();
        int maxSnaps = type.getMax();

        List<SnapshotVO> snaps = listSnapsforVolumeType(volumeId, type);
        SnapshotPolicyVO policy = _snapshotPolicyDao.findById(policyId);
        if (policy != null && policy.getMaxSnaps() < maxSnaps) {
            maxSnaps = policy.getMaxSnaps();
        while (snaps.size() > maxSnaps && snaps.size() > 1) {
            SnapshotVO oldestSnapshot = snaps.get(0);
            long oldSnapId = oldestSnapshot.getId();
            if (policy != null) {
                s_logger.debug("Max snaps: " + policy.getMaxSnaps() + " exceeded for snapshot policy with Id: " + policyId + ". Deleting oldest snapshot: " + oldSnapId);
              //log Snapshot delete event
                ActionEventUtils.onCompletedActionEvent(User.UID_SYSTEM, oldestSnapshot.getAccountId(), EventVO.LEVEL_INFO, EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_DELETE, "Successfully deleted oldest snapshot: " + oldSnapId, 0);
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    @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_DELETE, eventDescription = "deleting snapshot", async = true)
    public boolean deleteSnapshot(long snapshotId) {
        Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();

        // Verify parameters
        SnapshotVO snapshotCheck = this._snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
        if (snapshotCheck == null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("unable to find a snapshot with id " + snapshotId);

        _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, snapshotCheck);
        SnapshotStrategy snapshotStrategy = null;
        for (SnapshotStrategy strategy : this.snapshotStrategies) {
          if (strategy.canHandle(snapshotCheck)) {
            snapshotStrategy = strategy;
        try {
          boolean result = snapshotStrategy.deleteSnapshot(snapshotId);
          if (result) {
            if (snapshotCheck.getState() == Snapshot.State.BackedUp) {
              UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_SNAPSHOT_DELETE, snapshotCheck.getAccountId(),
                  snapshotCheck.getDataCenterId(), snapshotId, snapshotCheck.getName(), null, null, 0L,
                  snapshotCheck.getClass().getName(), snapshotCheck.getUuid());
                _resourceLimitMgr.decrementResourceCount(snapshotCheck.getAccountId(), ResourceType.snapshot);
                _resourceLimitMgr.decrementResourceCount(snapshotCheck.getAccountId(), ResourceType.secondary_storage,
                        new Long(snapshotCheck.getSize()));
          return result;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          s_logger.debug("Failed to delete snapshot: " + snapshotCheck.getId() + ":" + e.toString());
          throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to delete snapshot:" + e.toString());
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