// static NAT rules can not programmed unless IP is associated with network service provider, so run IP
// association for the network so as to ensure IP is associated before applying rules (in add state)
applyIpAssociations(network, false, continueOnError, publicIps);
// get provider
StaticNatServiceProvider element = getStaticNatProviderForNetwork(network);
try {
success = element.applyStaticNats(network, staticNats);
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
if (!continueOnError) {
throw e;
s_logger.warn("Problems with " + element.getName() + " but pushing on", e);
success = false;
// For revoked static nat IP, set the vm_id to null, indicate it should be revoked
for (StaticNat staticNat : staticNats) {