// Specifies that load balancing rules can only be made with public IPs that aren't source NAT IPs
lbCapabilities.put(Capability.LoadBalancingSupportedIps, "additional");
// Specifies that load balancing rules can support autoscaling and the list of counters it supports
AutoScaleCounter counter;
List<AutoScaleCounter> counterList = new ArrayList<AutoScaleCounter>();
counter = new AutoScaleCounter(AutoScaleCounterSnmp);
counter.addParam("snmpcommunity", true, "the community string that has to be used to do a SNMP GET on the AutoScaled Vm", false);
counter.addParam("snmpport", false, "the port at which SNMP agent is running on the AutoScaled Vm", false);
counter = new AutoScaleCounter(AutoScaleCounterNetscaler);
Gson gson = new Gson();
String autoScaleCounterList = gson.toJson(counterList);
lbCapabilities.put(Capability.AutoScaleCounters, autoScaleCounterList);