"Zone is currently disabled");
ex.addProxyObject("data_center", zone.getId(), "zoneId");
throw ex;
PublicIp ip = null;
Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
Account accountToLock = null;
try {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Associate IP address called by the user " + callerUserId + " account " + ipOwner.getId());
accountToLock = _accountDao.acquireInLockTable(ipOwner.getId());
if (accountToLock == null) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to lock account: " + ipOwner.getId());
throw new ConcurrentOperationException("Unable to acquire account lock");
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Associate IP address lock acquired");
// Check that the maximum number of public IPs for the given
// accountId will not be exceeded
_resourceLimitMgr.checkResourceLimit(accountToLock, ResourceType.public_ip);
ip = fetchNewPublicIp(zone.getId(), null, null, ipOwner, vlanType, null,
false, assign, null, isSystem, null);
if (ip == null) {
InsufficientAddressCapacityException ex = new InsufficientAddressCapacityException
("Unable to find available public IP addresses", DataCenter.class, zone.getId());
ex.addProxyObject("data_center", zone.getId(), "zoneId");
throw ex;
UserContext.current().setEventDetails("Ip Id: " + ip.getId());
Ip ipAddress = ip.getAddress();
s_logger.debug("Got " + ipAddress + " to assign for account " + ipOwner.getId() + " in zone " + zone.getId());
} finally {