throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to found specified Site to Site VPN customer gateway " + customerGatewayId + " !");
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, false, customerGateway);
Long vpnGatewayId = cmd.getVpnGatewayId();
Site2SiteVpnGateway vpnGateway = _vpnGatewayDao.findById(vpnGatewayId);
if (vpnGateway == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to found specified Site to Site VPN gateway " + vpnGatewayId + " !");
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, false, vpnGateway);
if (customerGateway.getAccountId() != vpnGateway.getAccountId() || customerGateway.getDomainId() != vpnGateway.getDomainId()) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VPN connection can only be esitablished between same account's VPN gateway and customer gateway!");
if (_vpnConnectionDao.findByVpnGatewayIdAndCustomerGatewayId(vpnGatewayId, customerGatewayId) != null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The vpn connection with customer gateway id " + customerGatewayId + " or vpn gateway id "
+ vpnGatewayId + " already existed!");
if (_vpnConnectionDao.findByCustomerGatewayId(customerGatewayId) != null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The vpn connection with specified customer gateway id " + customerGatewayId +
" already exists!");
String[] cidrList = customerGateway.getGuestCidrList().split(",");
// Remote sub nets cannot overlap VPC's sub net
String vpcCidr = _vpcDao.findById(vpnGateway.getVpcId()).getCidr();
for (String cidr : cidrList) {
if (NetUtils.isNetworksOverlap(vpcCidr, cidr)) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The subnets of customer gateway " + customerGatewayId + "'s subnet " + cidr + " is overlapped with VPC cidr " +
vpcCidr + "!");