
Examples of$TrustAllTrustManager

    String serviceUrl = "https://" + vCenterAddress + "/sdk/vimService";
      s_logger.debug("initialize VmwareContext. url: " + serviceUrl + ", username: " + vCenterUserName + ", password: " + StringUtils.getMaskedPasswordForDisplay(vCenterPassword));

    VmwareClient vimClient = new VmwareClient(vCenterAddress + "-" + s_seq++);
    vimClient.connect(serviceUrl, vCenterUserName, vCenterPassword);

    VmwareContext context = new VmwareContext(vimClient, vCenterAddress);
    context.registerStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME, s_vmwareMgr);

    context.registerStockObject("serviceconsole", s_vmwareMgr.getServiceConsolePortGroupName());
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    String serviceUrl = "https://" + vCenterAddress + "/sdk/vimService";

      s_logger.debug("initialize VmwareContext. url: " + serviceUrl + ", username: " + vCenterUserName + ", password: " + StringUtils.getMaskedPasswordForDisplay(vCenterPassword));

    VmwareClient vimClient = new VmwareClient(vCenterAddress + "-" + s_seq++);
    vimClient.connect(serviceUrl, vCenterUserName, vCenterPassword);

    VmwareContext context = new VmwareContext(vimClient, vCenterAddress);
    return context;
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    private ManagedObjectReference addHostToVCenterCluster(VmwareContext serviceContext, ManagedObjectReference morCluster,
            String host, String userName, String password) throws Exception {

        VmwareClient vclient = serviceContext.getVimClient();
        ManagedObjectReference morHost = vclient.getDecendentMoRef(morCluster, "HostSystem", host);
        if(morHost == null) {
            HostConnectSpec hostSpec = new HostConnectSpec();
            hostSpec.setForce(true);    // forcely take over the host

            ManagedObjectReference morTask = serviceContext.getService().addHostTask(morCluster, hostSpec, true, null, null);
            boolean taskResult = vclient.waitForTask(morTask);
            if(!taskResult) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to add host " + host + " to vSphere cluster due to " + TaskMO.getTaskFailureInfo(serviceContext, morTask));
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to add host " + host + " to vSphere cluster due to " + taskResult);

            // init morHost after it has been created
            morHost = vclient.getDecendentMoRef(morCluster, "HostSystem", host);
            if(morHost == null) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Successfully added host into vSphere but unable to find it later on?!. Please make sure you are either using IP address or full qualified domain name for host");
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    assert(vCenterAddress != null);
    assert(vCenterUserName != null);
    assert(vCenterPassword != null);

    String serviceUrl = "https://" + vCenterAddress + "/sdk/vimService";
    VmwareClient vimClient = new VmwareClient(vCenterAddress + "-" + s_seq++);
    vimClient.connect(serviceUrl, vCenterUserName, vCenterPassword);
    VmwareContext context = new VmwareContext(vimClient, vCenterAddress);
    assert(context != null);
    context.setPoolInfo(s_pool, VmwareContextPool.composePoolKey(vCenterAddress, vCenterUserName));
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    private ManagedObjectReference addHostToVCenterCluster(VmwareContext serviceContext, ManagedObjectReference morCluster,
            String host, String userName, String password) throws Exception {

        VmwareClient vclient = serviceContext.getVimClient();
        ManagedObjectReference morHost = vclient.getDecendentMoRef(morCluster, "HostSystem", host);
        if(morHost == null) {
            HostConnectSpec hostSpec = new HostConnectSpec();
            hostSpec.setForce(true);        // forcely take over the host

            ManagedObjectReference morTask = serviceContext.getService().addHostTask(morCluster, hostSpec, true, null, null);
            boolean taskResult = vclient.waitForTask(morTask);
            if(!taskResult) {
                s_logger.error("Unable to add host " + host + " to vSphere cluster due to " + TaskMO.getTaskFailureInfo(serviceContext, morTask));
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to add host " + host + " to vSphere cluster due to " + taskResult);

            // init morHost after it has been created
            morHost = vclient.getDecendentMoRef(morCluster, "HostSystem", host);
            if(morHost == null) {
                throw new CloudRuntimeException("Successfully added host into vSphere but unable to find it later on?!. Please make sure you are either using IP address or full qualified domain name for host");
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        String serviceUrl = "https://" + vCenterAddress + "/sdk/vimService";
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            s_logger.debug("initialize VmwareContext. url: " + serviceUrl + ", username: " + vCenterUserName + ", password: " +

        VmwareClient vimClient = new VmwareClient(vCenterAddress + "-" + s_seq++);
        vimClient.connect(serviceUrl, vCenterUserName, vCenterPassword);

        VmwareContext context = new VmwareContext(vimClient, vCenterAddress);
        context.registerStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME, s_vmwareMgr);

        context.registerStockObject("serviceconsole", s_vmwareMgr.getServiceConsolePortGroupName());
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    String serviceUrl = "https://" + vCenterAddress + "/sdk/vimService";
      s_logger.debug("initialize VmwareContext. url: " + serviceUrl + ", username: " + vCenterUserName + ", password: " + StringUtils.getMaskedPasswordForDisplay(vCenterPassword));

    VmwareClient vimClient = new VmwareClient(vCenterAddress + "-" + s_seq++);
    vimClient.connect(serviceUrl, vCenterUserName, vCenterPassword);

    VmwareContext context = new VmwareContext(vimClient, vCenterAddress);
    context.registerStockObject(VmwareManager.CONTEXT_STOCK_NAME, s_vmwareMgr);

    context.registerStockObject("serviceconsole", s_vmwareMgr.getServiceConsolePortGroupName());
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    assert(vCenterAddress != null);
    assert(vCenterUserName != null);
    assert(vCenterPassword != null);

    String serviceUrl = "https://" + vCenterAddress + "/sdk/vimService";
    VmwareClient vimClient = new VmwareClient(vCenterAddress + "-" + s_seq++);
    vimClient.connect(serviceUrl, vCenterUserName, vCenterPassword);
    VmwareContext context = new VmwareContext(vimClient, vCenterAddress);
    assert(context != null);
    context.setPoolInfo(s_pool, VmwareContextPool.composePoolKey(vCenterAddress, vCenterUserName));
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        assert (vCenterAddress != null);
        assert (vCenterUserName != null);
        assert (vCenterPassword != null);

        String serviceUrl = "https://" + vCenterAddress + "/sdk/vimService";
        VmwareClient vimClient = new VmwareClient(vCenterAddress + "-" + s_seq++);
        vimClient.connect(serviceUrl, vCenterUserName, vCenterPassword);
        VmwareContext context = new VmwareContext(vimClient, vCenterAddress);
        assert (context != null);

        context.setPoolInfo(s_pool, VmwareContextPool.composePoolKey(vCenterAddress, vCenterUserName));
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    String serviceUrl = "https://" + vCenterAddress + "/sdk/vimService";

      s_logger.debug("initialize VmwareContext. url: " + serviceUrl + ", username: " + vCenterUserName + ", password: " + StringUtils.getMaskedPasswordForDisplay(vCenterPassword));

    VmwareClient vimClient = new VmwareClient(vCenterAddress + "-" + s_seq++);
    vimClient.connect(serviceUrl, vCenterUserName, vCenterPassword);

    VmwareContext context = new VmwareContext(vimClient, vCenterAddress);
    return context;
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