s_logger.error("Unable to assign ASA 1000v device to network " + network.getName());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to assign ASA 1000v device to network " + network.getName());
ClusterVO asaCluster = _clusterDao.findById(assignedAsa.getClusterId());
ClusterVSMMapVO clusterVsmMap = _clusterVsmMapDao.findByClusterId(assignedAsa.getClusterId());
if (clusterVsmMap == null) {
s_logger.error("Vmware cluster " + asaCluster.getName() + " has no Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with it");
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Vmware cluster " + asaCluster.getName() + " has no Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with it");
CiscoNexusVSMDeviceVO vsmDevice = _vsmDeviceDao.findById(clusterVsmMap.getVsmId());
if (vsmDevice == null) {
s_logger.error("Unable to load details of Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with cluster " + asaCluster.getName());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to load details of Cisco Nexus VSM device associated with cluster " + asaCluster.getName());