/* Then ask hosts have peer tunnel with me to destroy them */
List<OvsTunnelNetworkVO> peers = _tunnelNetworkDao.listByToNetwork(host.getId(),nw.getId());
for (OvsTunnelNetworkVO p : peers) {
// If the tunnel was not successfully created don't bother to remove it
if (p.getState().equals(OvsTunnel.State.Established.name())) {
Command cmd= new OvsDestroyTunnelCommand(p.getNetworkId(), bridgeName,
s_logger.debug("Destroying tunnel to " + host.getId() +
" from " + p.getFrom());
Answer ans = _agentMgr.send(p.getFrom(), cmd);
handleDestroyTunnelAnswer(ans, p.getFrom(), p.getTo(), p.getNetworkId());
Command cmd = new OvsDestroyBridgeCommand(nw.getId(), generateBridgeNameForVpc(nw.getVpcId()),
s_logger.debug("Destroying bridge for network " + nw.getId() + " on host:" + host.getId());
Answer ans = _agentMgr.send(host.getId(), cmd);
handleDestroyBridgeAnswer(ans, host.getId(), nw.getId());
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
List<Long> vmIds = _ovsNetworkToplogyGuru.getActiveVmsInNetworkOnHost(nw.getId(), host.getId(), true);
if (vmIds != null && !vmIds.isEmpty()) {
try {
/* Now we are last one on host, destroy the bridge with all
* the tunnels for this network */
int key = getGreKey(nw);
String bridgeName = generateBridgeName(nw, key);
Command cmd = new OvsDestroyBridgeCommand(nw.getId(), bridgeName, host.getId());
s_logger.debug("Destroying bridge for network " + nw.getId() + " on host:" + host.getId());
Answer ans = _agentMgr.send(host.getId(), cmd);
handleDestroyBridgeAnswer(ans, host.getId(), nw.getId());
/* Then ask hosts have peer tunnel with me to destroy them */
List<OvsTunnelNetworkVO> peers =
for (OvsTunnelNetworkVO p : peers) {
// If the tunnel was not successfully created don't bother to remove it
if (p.getState().equals(OvsTunnel.State.Established.name())) {
cmd = new OvsDestroyTunnelCommand(p.getNetworkId(), bridgeName,
s_logger.debug("Destroying tunnel to " + host.getId() +
" from " + p.getFrom());
ans = _agentMgr.send(p.getFrom(), cmd);
handleDestroyTunnelAnswer(ans, p.getFrom(),