throw new GreTunnelException(
"Unable to retrieve the remote "
+ "endpoint for the GRE tunnel."
+ "Failure is on host:" + rHost.getId());
Commands cmds = new Commands(
new OvsCreateTunnelCommand(otherIp, key,
Long.valueOf(hostId), i, nw.getId(), myIp, bridgeName, nw.getUuid()));
s_logger.debug("Attempting to create tunnel from:" + hostId + " to:" + i + " for the network " + nw.getId());
s_logger.debug("Ask host " + hostId
+ " to create gre tunnel to " + i);
Answer[] answers = _agentMgr.send(hostId, cmds);
noHost = false;
for (Long i : fromHostIds) {
HostVO rHost = _hostDao.findById(i);
String otherIp = getGreEndpointIP(rHost, nw);
Commands cmds = new Commands(new OvsCreateTunnelCommand(myIp,
key, i, Long.valueOf(hostId), nw.getId(), otherIp, bridgeName, nw.getUuid()));
s_logger.debug("Ask host " + i + " to create gre tunnel to "
+ hostId);
Answer[] answers = _agentMgr.send(i, cmds);