public void run() throws OWLOntologyCreationException {
// Load the ontology file into an OWL ontology object
OWLOntology ontology = OWL.manager.loadOntology( IRI.create( file ) );
// Get an instance of the incremental classifier
IncrementalClassifier classifier = new IncrementalClassifier( ontology );
// trigger classification
// persist the current state of the classifier to a file
try {
System.out.print( "Saving the state of the classifier to the file ... " );
// open the stream to a file
FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream( persistenceFile );
// write the contents to the stream classifier, outputStream );
// close stream
System.out.println( "done." );
} catch( IOException e ) {
System.out.println( "I/O Error occurred while saving the current state of the incremental classifier: " + e );
// The following code introduces a few changes to the ontology, while the internal state of the classifier is stored in a file.
// Later, the classifier read back from the file will automatically notice the changes, and incrementally apply them
OWLClass headache = OWL.Class( NS + "Headache" );
OWLClass pain = OWL.Class( NS + "Pain" );
// Now create a new OWL axiom, subClassOf(Headache, Pain)
OWLAxiom axiom = OWL.subClassOf( headache, pain );
// Add the axiom to the ontology
// The copy of the classifier in memory, will receive the notification about this change.
// However, the state of the classifier saved to the file will become out-of-sync at this point
OWL.manager.applyChange( new AddAxiom( ontology, axiom ) );
// Now let's restore the classifier from the saved file
IncrementalClassifier restoredClassifier = null;
try {
System.out.print( "Reading the state of the classifier back from the file ... ");
// open the previously saved file
FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream( persistenceFile );
// restore the classifier from the file
// it is important to provide the ontology here, if we want the classifier to notice the changes that occurred while the
// state was stored in the file, and incrementally update the classifier's state
// (IncrementalClassifierPersistence has another "load" method without ontology parameter, which can be used
// for cases when there is no ontology to compare).
restoredClassifier = IncrementalClassifierPersistence.load( inputStream, ontology );
// close stream
System.out.println( "done." );
} catch( IOException e ) {
System.out.println( "I/O Error occurred while reading the current state of the incremental classifier: " + e );
// Now query both of the classifiers for subclasses of "Pain" class. Both of the classifiers will incrementally update their state, and should print
// the same information
System.out.println( "[Original classifier] Subclasses of " + pain + ": " + classifier.getSubClasses( pain, true ).getFlattened() + "\n");
System.out.println( "[Restored classifier] Subclasses of " + pain + ": " + restoredClassifier.getSubClasses( pain, true ).getFlattened() + "\n");
// clean up by removing the file containing the persisted state
File fileToDelete = new File( persistenceFile );