public static EmpireConfiguration readConfiguration() {
InputStream aConfigStream = null;
// the default configuration reader
ConfigReader aReader = new PropertiesConfigReader();
try {
// not ideal, really we want just a single standard config file name with the system property which can override
// that. but since we don't have a standard yet, we'll check a bunch of them.
if (System.getProperty("empire.configuration.file") != null && new File(System.getProperty("empire.configuration.file")).exists()) {
aConfigStream = new FileInputStream(System.getProperty("empire.configuration.file"));
// check inside the jar to see if the config file is there
else if (DefaultEmpireModule.class.getResourceAsStream("/empire.configuration") != null) {
aConfigStream = DefaultEmpireModule.class.getResourceAsStream("/empire.configuration");
// this is the default non-jar location
else if (new File("empire.configuration").exists()) {
aConfigStream = new FileInputStream("empire.configuration");
aReader = new PropertiesConfigReader();
// these locations are @deprecated in 0.7, to be removed in 0.9
else if (new File("empire.config").exists()) {
aConfigStream = new FileInputStream("empire.config");
aReader = new PropertiesConfigReader();
else if (new File("").exists()) {
aConfigStream = new FileInputStream("");
aReader = new PropertiesConfigReader();
else if (new File("").exists()) {
aConfigStream = new FileInputStream("");
aReader = new PropertiesConfigReader();
else if (new File("empire.xml").exists()) {
aConfigStream = new FileInputStream("empire.xml");
aReader = new XmlConfigReader();
else if (new File("empire.config.xml").exists()) {
aConfigStream = new FileInputStream("empire.config.xml");
aReader = new XmlConfigReader();
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
LOGGER.error("Count not find config file: " + e.getMessage());
EmpireConfiguration aConfig = null;
if (aConfigStream == null) {
LOGGER.warn("No configuration found or specified, Empire may not start or function correctly.");
return null;
else {
// TODO: need a more sophisticated method of selection which reader to use =)
if (System.getProperty("empire.config.reader") != null) {
try {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // it's ok if this throws a cast exception, we handle that
Class<ConfigReader> aClass = (Class<ConfigReader>) BeanReflectUtil.loadClass(System.getProperty("empire.config.reader"));
aReader = Empire.get().instance(aClass);
catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to find or create specified configuration reader class: " + System.getProperty("empire.config.reader"), e);
if (aConfigStream != null && aReader != null) {
try {
aConfig =;
catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Error while reading default Empire configuration file from the path", e);
catch (EmpireException e) {