public ProposalVO calculateProposalItems(int userId, ProposalVO proposalVO, String newItemID) {
StringTokenizer st;
String token;
ItemLines itemLines = proposalVO.getItemLines();
if (itemLines == null) {
itemLines = new ItemLines();
} // end of if statement (itemLines == null)
int counter = itemLines.size();
if (counter != 0) {
Set s = itemLines.keySet();
Iterator itr = s.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
float taxRate = 0.0f;
// ItemElement ie = (ItemElement)itr.next();
ItemElement ie = (ItemElement) itemLines.get(itr.next());
int id = ((Integer) ((IntMember) ie.get("ItemId")).getMemberValue()).intValue();
try {
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
ItemLocalHome home = (ItemLocalHome) ic.lookup("local/Item");
ItemLocal itemLocal = home.create();
ItemVO item = itemLocal.getItem(userId, id);
int taxClassId = item.getTaxClassId();
int taxJurisdictionId = 0;
int shipToId = 0;
if (proposalVO.getShippingaddressid() != null) {
shipToId = Integer.parseInt(proposalVO.getShippingaddressid());
if (shipToId != 0) {
AccountHelperHome hm = (AccountHelperHome) ic.lookup("local/AccountHelper");
AccountHelper accHelper = hm.create();
ContactHelperLocalHome home1 = (ContactHelperLocalHome) ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal contactHelperLocal = home1.create();
if (taxJurisdictionId != 0) {
taxRate = accHelper.getTax(taxClassId, taxJurisdictionId);
} // end if (taxJurisdictionId != 0)
} // end if (shipToId != 0)
((FloatMember) ie.get("UnitTaxrate")).setMemberValue(taxRate);
} // end try block
catch (Exception e) {
((FloatMember) ie.get("UnitTaxrate")).setMemberValue(0.0f);
} // end of catch block (Exception)
} // end of while loop (itr.hasNext())
} // end of if statement (counter != 0)
if (newItemID != null && !newItemID.equals("")) {
st = new StringTokenizer(newItemID, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
try {
float taxRate = 0.0f;
token = st.nextToken();
int intToken = Integer.parseInt(token);
InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
float promotionPrice = 0.0f;
CVDal dl = new CVDal(this.dataSource);
dl.setInt(1, intToken);
Collection col = dl.executeQuery();
if (col != null && col.size() != 0) {
Iterator it = col.iterator();
HashMap hm = (HashMap) it.next();
if (hm != null) {
promotionPrice = ((Number) hm.get("Price")).floatValue();
// FIXME promotions broken here!
Date promotionStartdate = ((Date) hm.get("Startdate"));
Date promotionEnddate = ((Date) hm.get("Enddate"));
ItemLocalHome home = (ItemLocalHome) ic.lookup("local/Item");
ItemLocal itemLocal = home.create();
ItemVO item = itemLocal.getItem(userId, intToken);
// Get the Required Fields from the Item VO
String name = item.getItemName();
String sku = item.getSku();
float price = 0.0f;
if (promotionPrice != 0.0f) {
price = promotionPrice;
name = name + " / " + item.getItemDesc() + " (Reflects Promotional Pricing) ";
} else {
price = (float) item.getPrice();
name = name + " / " + item.getItemDesc();
int id = item.getItemId();
int taxClassId = item.getTaxClassId();
int taxJurisdictionId = 0;
int shipToId = 0;
if (proposalVO.getShippingaddressid() != null) {
shipToId = Integer.parseInt(proposalVO.getShippingaddressid());
} // end of if statement (proposalVO.getShippingaddressid() != null)
if (shipToId != 0) {
try {
AccountHelperHome hm = (AccountHelperHome) ic.lookup("local/AccountHelper");
AccountHelper accHelper = hm.create();
ContactHelperLocalHome home2 = (ContactHelperLocalHome) ic.lookup("local/ContactHelper");
ContactHelperLocal contactHelperLocal = home2.create();
AddressVO addVO = contactHelperLocal.getAddress(shipToId);
// FIXME I assume the addVO is gotten here so the taxJurisdictionId can be
// found, unfortunately that doesn't happen.
if (taxJurisdictionId != 0) {
taxRate = accHelper.getTax(taxClassId, taxJurisdictionId);
}// if (taxJurisdictionId !=0)
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("[Exception]: SaleHelperEJB.calculateProposalItems: " + e.toString());
} // end of if statement (shipToId != 0)
// Form the ItemLines
counter += 1;
IntMember LineId = new IntMember("LineId", counter, 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
IntMember ItemId = new IntMember("ItemId", id, 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
StringMember SKU = new StringMember("SKU", sku, 'D', "", 'T', false);
StringMember Description = new StringMember("Description", name, 'D', "", 'T', false);
FloatMember Quantity = new FloatMember("Quantity", new Float(1.0f), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
FloatMember PriceEach = new FloatMember("PriceEach", new Float(price), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
FloatMember PriceExtended = new FloatMember("PriceExtended", new Float(0.0f), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
FloatMember UnitTax = new FloatMember("UnitTax", new Float(0.0f), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
FloatMember TaxRate = new FloatMember("UnitTaxrate", new Float(taxRate), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
FloatMember OrderQuantity = new FloatMember("OrderQuantity", new Float(1.0f), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
FloatMember PendingQuantity = new FloatMember("PendingQuantity", new Float(0.0f), 'D', "", 'T', false, 20);
ItemElement ie = new ItemElement(counter);
ie.put("LineId", LineId);
ie.put("ItemId", ItemId);
ie.put("SKU", SKU);
ie.put("Description", Description);
ie.put("Quantity", Quantity);
ie.put("PriceEach", PriceEach);
ie.put("PriceExtended", PriceExtended);
ie.put("UnitTax", UnitTax);
ie.put("UnitTaxrate", TaxRate);
ie.put("OrderQuantity", OrderQuantity);
ie.put("PendingQuantity", PendingQuantity);
itemLines.put(new Integer(counter), ie);
} // end of try block
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("[Exception]: SaleHelperEJB.calculateProposalItems: " + e.toString());
} // end of catch block (Exception)
} // end of while loop (st.hasMoreTokens())
} // end of if statement (newItemID != null && !newItemID.equals(""))
return proposalVO;
} // end of calculateProposalItems method