HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
UserObject userobjectd = (UserObject)session.getAttribute("userobject");
int individualId = userobjectd.getIndividualID();
EmailFacadeHome cfh = (EmailFacadeHome)CVUtility.getHomeObject("", "EmailFacade");
EmailFacade remote = (EmailFacade)cfh.create();
int accountid = 0;
String accountID = (String) request.getParameter("accountid");
if (accountID != null && !accountID.equals(""))
accountid = Integer.parseInt(accountID);
} //end of if statement (aid != null && !aid.equals(""))
FolderList fl = (FolderList) session.getAttribute("folderlist");
int folderid = fl.getDefaultFolder();
if(request.getParameter("folderid")!= null)
folderid =Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("folderid"));
Set listkey = fl.keySet();
Iterator it = listkey.iterator();
AccountDetail ad1 =(AccountDetail)fl.get(;
String accountAddress = ad1.getAccountaddress();
ArrayList folderList = ad1.getFolderList() ;
int parentID = 0;
String path = "";
Folder f = null;
int id = 0;
for( int i=0 ; i < folderList.size(); i++ )
f = (Folder)folderList.get( i );
id = f.getFolderid();
accountid = ad1.getAccountid();
if (accountid != 0){
//System.out.println("accountid Before Accounting Detail"+accountid);
AccountDetail ad = (AccountDetail) fl.get(new Integer(accountid));
ArrayList al = ad.getFolderList();
Folder f;
boolean createJunkMailFolder = true;
int parentId = 0;
int junkMailId = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++)
f = (Folder) al.get(i);
if (f.getFoldername().equalsIgnoreCase("trash")
&& f.getFtype().equalsIgnoreCase("system"))
parentId = f.getParentfolderid();
if (f.getFoldername().equalsIgnoreCase("junk mail")
&& f.getFtype().equalsIgnoreCase("user"))
junkMailId = f.getFolderid();
createJunkMailFolder = false;
//end of if statement (f.getFoldername().equalsIgnoreCase("trash")
// && f.getFtype().equalsIgnoreCase("user"))
} //end of for loop (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++)
if (parentId != 0){
createJunkMailFolder = true;
HashMap hmFolder = new HashMap();
hmFolder.put("AccountID", new Integer(accountid));
hmFolder.put("SubfolderID", new Integer(parentId));
hmFolder.put("foldername", "Junk Mail");
int i = remote.checkFoldersPresence(individualId, hmFolder);
if (i != 0) // 0 means folder is present already
junkMailId = remote.addFolder(individualId, hmFolder);
FolderList folderList = (FolderList)remote.getFolderList(individualId);
session.setAttribute("folderlist", folderList);
//System.out.println("parentId After"+parentId);
String messageID[] = request.getParameterValues("rowId");
ArrayList emailFrom = remote.getEmailsFrom(messageID);
int ruleId = remote.getRuleId(accountid);
//System.out.println("ruleId Before"+ruleId);
boolean rulecreated = false;
if (ruleId == 0){
HashMap hm = new HashMap();
hm.put("RuleName", "JunkMail");
hm.put("Description", "JunkMail");
hm.put("EnabledStatus", "YES");
hm.put("AccountID", accountid+"");
int size = emailFrom.size();
String join[] = new String[size];
String field[] = new String[size];
String condition[] = new String[size];
String criteria[] = new String[size];
for (int i=0; i<size; i++){
String fromEmail = (emailFrom.get(i)).toString();
int startIndex = fromEmail.indexOf("<");
int endIndex = fromEmail.indexOf(">");
if (startIndex >0){
fromEmail = fromEmail.substring(startIndex,(endIndex-1));
hm.put("Join", join);
hm.put("Field", field);
hm.put("Condition", condition);
hm.put("Criteria", criteria);
hm.put("ActionMoveMessage", "1");
hm.put("MoveFolderId", junkMailId+"");
hm.put("ActionDeleteMessage", "0");
hm.put("ActionMarkasRead", "0");
hm.put("JunkMail", "TRUE");
ruleId = remote.addRule(hm);
rulecreated = true;
//System.out.println("Rule Id Final :"+ruleId);
RuleDetails ruledetails = remote.getRuleDetails(ruleId);
dynaForm.set("RuleID", ruledetails.getRuleID());
dynaForm.set("AccountID", ruledetails.getAccountID());
dynaForm.set("name", ruledetails.getName());
dynaForm.set("description", ruledetails.getDescription());
dynaForm.set("enabled", ruledetails.getEnabled());