private FlowNode createRunningFlowNode(String clientId, TProcess processJaxb, TFlowNode flowNodeJaxb,
ArrayList<TSubProcess> subProcessesJaxb, Object runningParentNode) {
// create running flow node
FlowNode runningFlowNode = flowNodeRepositoryService.getOrCreateFlowNode(
IdService.getUniqueFlowNodeId(clientId, processJaxb, subProcessesJaxb, flowNodeJaxb)));
LOG.debug(String.format("Added %s as %s with grapId: %s to neo4j db (running node)",
flowNodeJaxb.getName(), runningFlowNode, runningFlowNode.getGraphId()));
// depending on the type of the parent node, add a relationship between the new flow node and its parent
if (runningParentNode instanceof ProcessNode) {
((ProcessNode) runningParentNode).addRelationshipToFlowNode(runningFlowNode);
} else if (runningParentNode instanceof FlowNode) {