ApiDeclaration declaration = declarations.get(resourcePath);
if (declaration == null) {
declaration = new ApiDeclaration(this.swaggerVersion, this.apiVersion, this.basePath, resourcePath, null, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null);
declaration.setApis(new ArrayList<Api>());
declaration.setModels(new HashMap<String, Model>());
declarations.put(resourcePath, declaration);
// look for a priority tag for the resource listing and set on the resource if the resource hasn't had one set
setApiPriority(classResourcePriority, method, currentClassDoc, declaration);
// look for a method level description tag for the resource listing and set on the resource if the resource hasn't had one set
setApiDescription(classResourceDescription, method, declaration);
// find api this method should be added to
addMethod(parsedMethod, declaration);
// add models
Set<Model> methodModels = methodParser.models();
Map<String, Model> idToModels = addApiModels(classModels, methodModels, method);
currentClassDoc = currentClassDoc.superclass();
// ignore parent object class
if (!ParserHelper.hasAncestor(currentClassDoc)) {