The GeneralizedTimeEditor is used for editing generalizedTime attributes within the directory. It is initiated when the user clicks on a generalizedTime attribute in the Table Editor of JXplorer or when the user selects a generalizedTime attribute in the search dialog.
The GeneralizedTimeEditor displays a date/time dialog with combo boxes for the following:
Milli seconds (possible values: 0-999). Seconds of the minute (possible values: 0-59). Minutes of the hour (possible values: 0-59). Hour of the day (possible values: 0-23). Day of the month (possible values: --, 1-31). Month of the year (possible values: --, January - Decemeber inclusive).
Note: it is possible to enter the following generalizedTime 000000000000, this is why a value of -- (0) is included in day of the month and month of the year combos.
The year is displayed and edited through a restricted (whole number) field. Year can only be of 4 characters. The UTC (or GTM or zulu) is selected via a check box.
This class follows the generalizedTime format of year-month-day-hour-minute (yyyymmddhhmm) as manditory. Optional values in the generalizedTime are second-millisecond-UTC (ss.mmmZ). Milliseconds require seconds to be added. Examples of a correct generalizeTime are
20011231235959.999Z 20011231235959.999 20011231235959.99Z 20011231235959.99 20011231235959.9Z 20011231235959.9 19960229235959 19960229235959Z 199702282359 199702282359Z
The dialog has a 'Now' button for displaying the current date/time of the user's machine.
The dialog enforces date constraints such as leap years. For example if a leap year is entered in the year field and february is selected, the days displayed will be 0-29. The correct days for the month that is selected will be displayed also. For example if April is selected the days will be 0-30.
@author Trudi.