Package com.browseengine.bobo.util

Examples of com.browseengine.bobo.util.BigSegmentedArray

  public void load(String fieldName,IndexReader reader,TermListFactory<T> listFactory) throws IOException
    String field = fieldName.intern();
    int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc();

    BigSegmentedArray order = this.orderArray;
    if (order == null) // we want to reuse the memory
      order = newInstance(_termCountSize, maxDoc);
    } else
      order.ensureCapacity(maxDoc); // no need to fill to 0, we are reseting the
                                    // data anyway
    this.orderArray = order;

    IntArrayList minIDList = new IntArrayList();
    IntArrayList maxIDList = new IntArrayList();
    IntArrayList freqList = new IntArrayList();

    int length = maxDoc + 1;
    TermValueList<T> list = listFactory == null ? (TermValueList<T>) new TermStringList()
        : listFactory.createTermList();
    TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs();
    TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms(new Term(field, ""));
    int t = 0; // current term number

    // int df = 0;
        Term term = termEnum.term();
        if (term == null || term.field() != field)

        if (t > order.maxValue())
          throw new IOException("maximum number of value cannot exceed: "
              + order.maxValue());
        // store term text
        // we expect that there is at most one term per document
        if (t >= length)
          throw new RuntimeException("there are more terms than "
              + "documents in field \"" + field
              + "\", but it's impossible to sort on " + "tokenized fields");
        // freqList.add(termEnum.docFreq()); // doesn't take into account
        // deldocs
        int minID = -1;
        int maxID = -1;
        int df = 0;
        if (
          int docid = termDocs.doc();
          order.add(docid, t);
          minID = docid;
          while (
            docid = termDocs.doc();
            order.add(docid, t);
          maxID = docid;
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    public DocComparator getComparator(IndexReader reader, int docbase)
        throws IOException {
      if (!(reader instanceof BoboIndexReader)) throw new IllegalStateException("reader not instance of "+BoboIndexReader.class);
      BoboIndexReader boboReader = (BoboIndexReader)reader;
      final FacetDataCache dataCache = _facetHandler.getFacetData(boboReader);
      final BigSegmentedArray orderArray = dataCache.orderArray;
      return new DocComparator() {
        public Comparable value(ScoreDoc doc) {
          int index = orderArray.get(doc.doc);
              return dataCache.valArray.get(index);
        public int compare(ScoreDoc doc1, ScoreDoc doc2) {
          return orderArray.get(doc1.doc) - orderArray.get(doc2.doc)
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      throws IOException {
    String field = fieldName.intern();
    int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc();

    int dictValueCount = getDictValueCount(reader, fieldName);
    BigSegmentedArray order = newInstance(dictValueCount, maxDoc);
    this.orderArray = order;

    IntArrayList minIDList = new IntArrayList();
    IntArrayList maxIDList = new IntArrayList();
    IntArrayList freqList = new IntArrayList();

    int length = maxDoc + 1;
    TermValueList<T> list = listFactory == null ? (TermValueList<T>) new TermStringList()
        : listFactory.createTermList();
    int negativeValueCount = getNegativeValueCount(reader, field);

    int t = 1; // valid term id starts from 1
    int totalFreq = 0;
    Terms terms = reader.terms(field);
    if (terms != null) {
      TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null);
      BytesRef text;
      while ((text = != null) {
        // store term text
        // we expect that there is at most one term per document
        if (t >= length) throw new RuntimeException("there are more terms than "
            + "documents in field \"" + field + "\", but it's impossible to sort on "
            + "tokenized fields");
        String strText = text.utf8ToString();
        Term term = new Term(field, strText);
        DocsEnum docsEnum = reader.termDocsEnum(term);
        int minID = -1;
        int maxID = -1;
        int docID;
        int df = 0;
        int valId = (t - 1 < negativeValueCount) ? (negativeValueCount - t + 1) : t;
        while ((docID = docsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
          order.add(docID, valId);
          minID = docID;
          while (docsEnum.nextDoc() != DocsEnum.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
            docID = docsEnum.docID();
            order.add(docID, valId);
          maxID = docID;
        totalFreq += df;

    // Process minIDList and maxIDList for negative number
    for (int i = 1; i < negativeValueCount/2 + 1; ++i) {
      int top = i;
      int tail = negativeValueCount - i + 1;
      int topValue = minIDList.getInt(top);
      int tailValue = minIDList.getInt(tail);
      minIDList.set(top, tailValue);
      minIDList.set(tail, topValue);
      topValue = maxIDList.getInt(top);
      tailValue = maxIDList.getInt(tail);
      maxIDList.set(top, tailValue);
      maxIDList.set(tail, topValue);

    this.valArray = list;
    this.freqs = freqList.toIntArray();
    this.minIDs = minIDList.toIntArray();
    this.maxIDs = maxIDList.toIntArray();

    int doc = 0;
    while (doc < maxDoc && order.get(doc) != 0) {
    if (doc < maxDoc) {
      this.minIDs[0] = doc;
      // Try to get the max
      doc = maxDoc - 1;
      while (doc >= 0 && order.get(doc) != 0) {
      this.maxIDs[0] = doc;
    this.freqs[0] = reader.numDocs() - totalFreq;
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    public DocComparator getComparator(AtomicReader reader, int docbase) throws IOException {
      if (!(reader instanceof BoboSegmentReader)) throw new IllegalStateException(
          "reader not instance of " + BoboSegmentReader.class);
      BoboSegmentReader boboReader = (BoboSegmentReader) reader;
      final FacetDataCache<?> dataCache = _facetHandler.getFacetData(boboReader);
      final BigSegmentedArray orderArray = dataCache.orderArray;
      return new DocComparator() {
        public Comparable<?> value(ScoreDoc doc) {
          int index = orderArray.get(doc.doc);
          return dataCache.valArray.getComparableValue(index);

        public int compare(ScoreDoc doc1, ScoreDoc doc2) {
          return orderArray.get(doc1.doc) - orderArray.get(doc2.doc);
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  public String[] getFieldValues(BoboSegmentReader reader, int id) {
    FacetDataCache<?> latCache = (FacetDataCache<?>) reader.getFacetData(latitude);
    FacetDataCache<?> lonCache = (FacetDataCache<?>) reader.getFacetData(longitude);

    BigSegmentedArray latOrderArray = latCache.orderArray;
    TermValueList<?> latValList = latCache.valArray;

    BigSegmentedArray lonOrderArray = lonCache.orderArray;
    TermValueList<?> lonValList = lonCache.valArray;

    String docLatString = latValList.get(latOrderArray.get(id));
    String docLonString = lonValList.get(lonOrderArray.get(id));
    String[] fieldValues = new String[] { docLatString, docLonString };
    return fieldValues;
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    if (_facetCountCollector instanceof GroupByFacetCountCollector) {
      _totalGroups += ((GroupByFacetCountCollector)_facetCountCollector).getTotalGroups();

    BigSegmentedArray count = _facetCountCollector.getCountDistribution();
    for (int i = 0; i < count.size(); i++) {
      int c = count.get(i);
      if (c > 0)
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      this._xValArray = xVals;
      this._yValArray = yVals;
      this._zValArray = zVals;
      BigSegmentedArray latOrderArray = latCache.orderArray;
      TermValueList<?> latValList = latCache.valArray;

      BigSegmentedArray lonOrderArray = lonCache.orderArray;
      TermValueList<?> lonValList = lonCache.valArray;
      for (int i=0;i<maxDoc;++i){
        String docLatString = latValList.get(latOrderArray.get(i)).trim();
        String docLonString = lonValList.get(lonOrderArray.get(i)).trim();

        float docLat = 0;
        if (docLatString.length() > 0){
          docLat = Float.parseFloat(docLatString);
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  public void load(String fieldName, IndexReader reader, TermListFactory<T> listFactory) throws IOException {
    String field = fieldName.intern();
    int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc();

    BigSegmentedArray order = this.orderArray;
    if (order == null) // we want to reuse the memory
        int dictValueCount = getDictValueCount(reader, fieldName);
        order = newInstance(dictValueCount, maxDoc);
    } else {
      order.ensureCapacity(maxDoc); // no need to fill to 0, we are reseting the
                                    // data anyway
    this.orderArray = order;
    IntArrayList minIDList = new IntArrayList();
    IntArrayList maxIDList = new IntArrayList();
    IntArrayList freqList = new IntArrayList();

    int length = maxDoc + 1;
    TermValueList<T> list = listFactory == null ? (TermValueList<T>) new TermStringList() : listFactory
    int negativeValueCount = getNegativeValueCount(reader, field);
    TermDocs termDocs = reader.termDocs();
    TermEnum termEnum = reader.terms(new Term(field, ""));
    int t = 0; // current term number

    int totalFreq = 0;   
    // int df = 0;
    try {
      do {
        Term term = termEnum.term();
        if (term == null || term.field() != field)

        // store term text
        // we expect that there is at most one term per document
        if (t >= length)
          throw new RuntimeException("there are more terms than " + "documents in field \"" + field
              + "\", but it's impossible to sort on " + "tokenized fields");
        // freqList.add(termEnum.docFreq()); // doesn't take into account
        // deldocs
        int minID = -1;
        int maxID = -1;
        int df = 0;
        int valId = (t - 1 < negativeValueCount) ? (negativeValueCount - t + 1) : t;
        if ( {
          int docid = termDocs.doc();
          order.add(docid, valId);
          minID = docid;
          while ( {
            docid = termDocs.doc();
            order.add(docid, valId);
          maxID = docid;
        totalFreq += df;

      } while (;
    } finally {
    this.valArray = list;
    this.freqs = freqList.toIntArray();
    this.minIDs = minIDList.toIntArray();
    this.maxIDs = maxIDList.toIntArray();

    int doc = 0;
    while (doc <= maxDoc && order.get(doc) != 0) {
    if (doc <= maxDoc) {
      this.minIDs[0] = doc;
      // Try to get the max
      doc = maxDoc;
      while (doc > 0 && order.get(doc) != 0) {
      if (doc > 0) {
        this.maxIDs[0] = doc;
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    public DocComparator getComparator(IndexReader reader, int docbase) throws IOException {
      if (!(reader instanceof BoboIndexReader))
        throw new IllegalStateException("reader not instance of " + BoboIndexReader.class);
      BoboIndexReader boboReader = (BoboIndexReader) reader;
      final FacetDataCache dataCache = _facetHandler.getFacetData(boboReader);
      final BigSegmentedArray orderArray = dataCache.orderArray;
      return new DocComparator() {
        public Comparable value(ScoreDoc doc) {
          int index = orderArray.get(doc.doc);
          return dataCache.valArray.getComparableValue(index);         

        public int compare(ScoreDoc doc1, ScoreDoc doc2) {
          return orderArray.get(doc1.doc) - orderArray.get(doc2.doc);
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    int maxDoc = reader.maxDoc();
    int size = dataMap == null ? 1:(dataMap.size() + 1);

    BigSegmentedArray order = new BigIntArray(maxDoc);
    TermValueList list = _termListFactory == null ?
      new TermStringList(size) :

    int[] freqs = new int[size];
    int[] minIDs = new int[size];
    int[] maxIDs = new int[size];

    freqs[0] = nullFreq;
    minIDs[0] = nullMinId;
    maxIDs[0] = nullMaxId;

    if (dataMap != null)
      int i = 1;
      Integer docId;
      for (Map.Entry<Object, LinkedList<Integer>> entry : dataMap.entrySet())
        docList = entry.getValue();
        freqs[i] = docList.size();
        minIDs[i] = docList.get(0);
        while((docId = docList.poll()) != null)
          doc = docId;
          order.add(doc, i);
        maxIDs[i] = doc;
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Related Classes of com.browseengine.bobo.util.BigSegmentedArray

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