A CalendarView that displays appointments for a given month. The Month is displayed in a grid-style view where cells represents days, columns represents days of the week (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, etc.) and rows represent a full week (Sunday through Saturday).
CSS Style Rules
- .gwt-cal-MonthView { }
- .dayCell { cell that represents a day }
- .dayCell-today { cell that represents today }
- .dayCell-disabled { cell's day falls outside the month }
- .dayCell-today-disabled { cell represents today, falls outside the month }
- .dayCellLabel { header for the cell }
- .dayCellLabel-today { cell represents today }
- .dayCellLabel-disabled { cell's day falls outside the month }
- .dayCellLabel-today-disabled { cell represents today, falls outside the month }
- .weekDayLabel { label for the days of the week }
@author Brad Rydzewski
@since 0.9.0