bloom = new Bloom( (int)( * 0.25f), (int)( * 0.25f) );
curvature = new Curvature();
zoomer = new Zoomer( vpW, vpH, isDesktop ? RadialBlur.Quality.VeryHigh : RadialBlur.Quality.Low );
int effects = Effect.TweakContrast.v | Effect.PhosphorVibrance.v | Effect.Scanlines.v | Effect.Tint.v;
crt = new CrtMonitor( vpW, vpH, false, false, RgbMode.ChromaticAberrations, effects );
Combine combine = crt.getCombinePass();
combine.setSource1Intensity( 0f );
combine.setSource2Intensity( 1f );
combine.setSource1Saturation( 0f );
combine.setSource2Saturation( 1f );
vignette = new Vignette( vpW, vpH, false );
// add them to the postprocessor
postProcessor.addEffect( curvature );