* false, and removing "-disabled" from the style name when enabled is true. A method named "getStyle" is called the actor via
* reflection and the name of that style is found in the skin. If the actor doesn't have a "getStyle" method or the style was
* not found in the skin, no exception is thrown and the actor is left unchanged. */
public void setEnabled (Actor actor, boolean enabled) {
// Get current style.
Method method = findMethod(actor.getClass(), "getStyle");
if (method == null) return;
Object style;
try {
style = method.invoke(actor);
} catch (Exception ignored) {
// Determine new style.
String name = find(style);
if (name == null) return;
name = name.replace("-disabled", "") + (enabled ? "" : "-disabled");
style = get(name, style.getClass());
// Set new style.
method = findMethod(actor.getClass(), "setStyle");
if (method == null) return;
try {
method.invoke(actor, style);
} catch (Exception ignored) {