private SqlTree createRawSqlSqlTree(OrmQueryRequest<?> request, CQueryPredicates predicates) {
BeanDescriptor<?> descriptor = request.getBeanDescriptor();
ColumnMapping columnMapping = request.getQuery().getRawSql().getColumnMapping();
PathProperties pathProps = new PathProperties();
// convert list of columns into (tree like) PathProperties
Iterator<Column> it = columnMapping.getColumns();
while (it.hasNext()) {
RawSql.ColumnMapping.Column column =;
String propertyName = column.getPropertyName();
if (!RawSqlBuilder.IGNORE_COLUMN.equals(propertyName)) {
ElPropertyValue el = descriptor.getElGetValue(propertyName);
if (el == null) {
throw new PersistenceException("Property [" + propertyName + "] not found on " + descriptor.getFullName());
} else {
BeanProperty beanProperty = el.getBeanProperty();
if (beanProperty.isId() || beanProperty.isDiscriminator()) {
// For @Id properties we chop off the last part of the path
propertyName = SplitName.parent(propertyName);
} else if (beanProperty instanceof BeanPropertyAssocOne<?>) {
String msg = "Column [" + column.getDbColumn() + "] mapped to complex Property[" + propertyName + "]";
msg += ". It should be mapped to a simple property (proably the Id property). ";
throw new PersistenceException(msg);
if (propertyName != null) {
String[] pathProp = SplitName.split(propertyName);
pathProps.addToPath(pathProp[0], pathProp[1]);
OrmQueryDetail detail = new OrmQueryDetail();
// transfer PathProperties into OrmQueryDetail
Iterator<String> pathIt = pathProps.getPaths().iterator();
while (pathIt.hasNext()) {
String path =;
Set<String> props = pathProps.get(path);
detail.getChunk(path, true).setDefaultProperties(null, props);
// build SqlTree based on OrmQueryDetail of the RawSql
return new SqlTreeBuilder(request, predicates, detail).build();