session = (Session) AtomikosJmsXaSessionProxy.newInstance( wrapped , jmsTransactionalResource , owner , this );
sessions.add ( session );
} else {
Configuration.logInfo ( this + ": creating NON-XA session..." );
CompositeTransaction ct = null;
CompositeTransactionManager ctm = Configuration.getCompositeTransactionManager();
if ( ctm != null ) ct = ctm.getCompositeTransaction();
if ( ct != null && ct.getProperty ( TransactionManagerImp.JTA_PROPERTY_NAME ) != null ) {
if ( transactedFlag.booleanValue() )
Configuration.logWarning ( this + ": localTransactionMode is enabled on the connection factory - rollback/commit will NOT be part of the global JTA transaction!" );
Configuration.logWarning ( this + ": you are creating a JMS session in non-transacted mode - the resulting JMS work will NOT be part of the JTA transaction!" );