* Multiple I/O with different profiles in input and output.
* @throws Exception if failed
public void multi_profile_inout() throws Exception {
FlowDescriptionDriver flow = new FlowDescriptionDriver();
In<Simple> in1 = flow.createIn("in1", new Import(Simple.class, "testing", dummy()));
In<Simple> in2 = flow.createIn("in2", new Import(Simple.class, "other", dummy()));
Out<Simple> out1 = flow.createOut("out1", new Export(Simple.class, "testing", dummy()));
Out<Simple> out2 = flow.createOut("out2", new Export(Simple.class, "other", dummy()));
FlowDescription desc = new DualIdentityFlow<Simple>(in1, in2, out1, out2);
JobflowInfo info = compile(flow, desc);
assertThat(info, not(nullValue()));