Package com.ardor3d.renderer

Examples of com.ardor3d.renderer.RenderContext

    public void setupTexture(final Texture tex) {
        if (tex.getType() != Type.TwoDimensional) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + tex.getType());
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final TextureStateRecord record = (TextureStateRecord) context.getStateRecord(RenderState.StateType.Texture);

        // check if we are already setup... if so, throw error.
        if (tex.getTextureKey() == null) {
        } else if (tex.getTextureIdForContext(context.getGlContextRep()) != 0) {
            throw new Ardor3dException("Texture is already setup and has id.");

        // Create the texture
        final IntBuffer ibuf = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1);
        final int textureId = ibuf.get(0);
        tex.setTextureIdForContext(context.getGlContextRep(), textureId);

        LwjglTextureStateUtil.doTextureBind(tex, 0, true);

        // Initialize our texture with some default data.
        final int internalFormat = LwjglTextureUtil.getGLInternalFormat(tex.getTextureStoreFormat());
        final int dataFormat = LwjglTextureUtil.getGLPixelFormatFromStoreFormat(tex.getTextureStoreFormat());
        final int pixelDataType = LwjglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(tex.getRenderedTexturePixelDataType());

        GL11.glTexImage2D(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormat, _width, _height, 0, dataFormat, pixelDataType,
                (ByteBuffer) null);

        // Setup filtering and wrap
        final TextureRecord texRecord = record.getTextureRecord(textureId, tex.getType());
        LwjglTextureStateUtil.applyFilter(tex, texRecord, 0, record, context.getCapabilities());
        LwjglTextureStateUtil.applyWrap(tex, texRecord, 0, record, context.getCapabilities());

        logger.fine("setup pbuffer tex" + textureId + ": " + _width + "," + _height);
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                throw new RuntimeException(e);

            final LwjglContextCapabilities caps = new LwjglContextCapabilities(GLContext.getCapabilities());
                    new RenderContext(contextKey, caps, ContextManager.getCurrentContext()));

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            logger.logp(Level.SEVERE, this.getClass().toString(), "initPbuffer()", "Exception", e);

            if (_texture != null && _useDirectRender) {
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        _doSwap = doSwap;

        // Look up a shared context, if a shared LwjglCanvasRenderer is given.
        // XXX: Shared contexts will probably not work... lwjgl does not seem to have a way to make a new glcontext that
        // shares lists, textures, etc.
        RenderContext sharedContext = null;
        if (settings.getShareContext() != null) {
            sharedContext = ContextManager.getContextForKey(settings.getShareContext().getRenderContext()

        try {
        } catch (final LWJGLException e) {
            throw new Ardor3dException("Unable to init CanvasRenderer.", e);

        final ContextCapabilities caps = createContextCapabilities();
        _currentContext = new RenderContext(this, caps, sharedContext);

        ContextManager.addContext(this, _currentContext);

        _renderer = createRenderer();
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        // Set up our Ardor3D context and capabilities objects
        final LwjglContextCapabilities caps = new LwjglContextCapabilities(GLContext.getCapabilities());
        final RenderContext currentContext = new RenderContext(this, caps, null);

        if (!caps.isFBOSupported()) {
            throw new Ardor3dException("Headless requires FBO support.");
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        if ((buffers & Renderer.BUFFER_ACCUMULATION) != 0) {
            clear |= GL11.GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT;

        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final RendererRecord record = context.getRendererRecord();

        if (strict) {
            // grab our camera to get width and height info.
            final Camera cam = Camera.getCurrentCamera();
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    public void finishGraphics() {

    public void applyNormalsMode(final NormalsMode normalsMode, final ReadOnlyTransform worldTransform) {
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final RendererRecord rendRecord = context.getRendererRecord();
        if (normalsMode != NormalsMode.Off) {
            final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();
            switch (normalsMode) {
                case NormalizeIfScaled:
                    if (worldTransform.isRotationMatrix()) {
                        final ReadOnlyVector3 scale = worldTransform.getScale();
                        if (!(scale.getX() == 1.0 && scale.getY() == 1.0 && scale.getZ() == 1.0)) {
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        if (buffer == null) {

        // ask for the current state record
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();

        final int id = buffer.getVBOID(context.getGlContextRep());
        if (id == 0) {
            // Not on card... return.


        final IntBuffer idBuff = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1);
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            EXTFogCoord.glFogCoordPointerEXT(0, fogBuffer);

    public void setupTextureData(final List<FloatBufferData> textureCoords) {
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final ContextCapabilities caps = context.getCapabilities();
        final RendererRecord rendRecord = context.getRendererRecord();

        final TextureState ts = (TextureState) context.getCurrentState(RenderState.StateType.Texture);
        int enabledTextures = rendRecord.getEnabledTextures();
        final boolean valid = rendRecord.isTexturesValid();
        boolean isOn, wasOn;
        if (ts != null) {
            final int max = caps.isMultitextureSupported() ? Math.min(caps.getNumberOfFragmentTexCoordUnits(),
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        return vboID;

    public void setupVertexDataVBO(final FloatBufferData data) {
        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final RendererRecord rendRecord = context.getRendererRecord();

        final int vboID = setupVBO(data, context);

        if (vboID != 0) {
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    public void setupTexture(final Texture tex) {
        if (tex.getType() != Type.TwoDimensional && tex.getType() != Type.CubeMap) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Texture type not supported: " + tex.getType());

        final RenderContext context = ContextManager.getCurrentContext();
        final TextureStateRecord record = (TextureStateRecord) context.getStateRecord(RenderState.StateType.Texture);

        // check if we are already setup... if so, throw error.
        if (tex.getTextureKey() == null) {
        } else if (tex.getTextureIdForContext(context.getGlContextRep()) != 0) {
            throw new Ardor3dException("Texture is already setup and has id.");

        // Create the texture
        final IntBuffer ibuf = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1);
        final int textureId = ibuf.get(0);
        tex.setTextureIdForContext(context.getGlContextRep(), textureId);

        LwjglTextureStateUtil.doTextureBind(tex, 0, true);

        // Initialize our texture with some default data.
        final int internalFormat = LwjglTextureUtil.getGLInternalFormat(tex.getTextureStoreFormat());
        final int dataFormat = LwjglTextureUtil.getGLPixelFormatFromStoreFormat(tex.getTextureStoreFormat());
        final int pixelDataType = LwjglTextureUtil.getGLPixelDataType(tex.getRenderedTexturePixelDataType());

        if (tex.getType() == Type.TwoDimensional) {
            GL11.glTexImage2D(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormat, _width, _height, 0, dataFormat, pixelDataType,
                    (ByteBuffer) null);
        } else {
            for (final Face face : Face.values()) {
                GL11.glTexImage2D(LwjglTextureStateUtil.getGLCubeMapFace(face), 0, internalFormat, _width, _height, 0,
                        dataFormat, pixelDataType, (ByteBuffer) null);

        // Initialize mipmapping for this texture, if requested
        if (tex.getMinificationFilter().usesMipMapLevels()) {

        // Setup filtering and wrap
        final TextureRecord texRecord = record.getTextureRecord(textureId, tex.getType());
        LwjglTextureStateUtil.applyFilter(tex, texRecord, 0, record, context.getCapabilities());
        LwjglTextureStateUtil.applyWrap(tex, texRecord, 0, record, context.getCapabilities());

        logger.fine("setup fbo tex with id " + textureId + ": " + _width + "," + _height);
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Related Classes of com.ardor3d.renderer.RenderContext

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