public void analyzeAliveQuestionIDResponses(long pPlurkQuestionID, Objectify pObjectify) throws PlurkException, JSONException
HangmanPlurkQuestion tPlurkQuestion = pObjectify.get( HangmanPlurkQuestion.class, pPlurkQuestionID );
if (tPlurkQuestion.LAST_RESPONSE_OFFSET == null) tPlurkQuestion.LAST_RESPONSE_OFFSET = 0;
JSONObject tPlurkResponse = PlurkService.getInstance().responseGet( String.valueOf( tPlurkQuestion.PLURK_ID ) );
JSONArray tResponseArray = tPlurkResponse.getJSONArray( "responses" );
System.out.println("Analyzing plurk ID " + tPlurkQuestion.PLURK_ID + ", plurk received " + tResponseArray.length() + " plurk responses. Full JSON response of the plurk is " + tPlurkResponse);
Set<Character> tGuessedCharacterSet = new HashSet<Character>();
Long tGuesserPlurkID = null;
boolean tIsWinBecauseOfDirectGuess = false;
Set<String> tGuesserWrongGuessStringSet = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> tGuesserLateGuessStringSet = new HashSet<String>();
System.out.println("Plurk last response offset is : " + tPlurkQuestion.LAST_RESPONSE_OFFSET);
for (int i = tPlurkQuestion.LAST_RESPONSE_OFFSET; i < tResponseArray.length(); i++)
JSONObject tResponseObject = tResponseArray.getJSONObject( i );
String tResponseAnswer = tResponseObject.getString( "content_raw" ).trim().toLowerCase();
System.out.println("Validating response #" + i + ", answer from @" + tPlurkResponse.getJSONObject( "friends" ).getJSONObject( String.valueOf( tResponseObject.getLong( "user_id" ) ) ).getString( "nick_name" ) + " : " + tResponseAnswer);
if (tResponseAnswer.length() == 1)
Character tGuessedCharacter = tResponseAnswer.charAt( 0 );
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit( tGuessedCharacter ) && !tPlurkQuestion.hasCharacterBeenGuessed( tGuessedCharacter ))
tGuessedCharacterSet.add( tGuessedCharacter );
tPlurkQuestion.addGuessedCharacter( tGuessedCharacter );
if (tPlurkQuestion.hasQuestionBeenGuessed() && tGuesserPlurkID == null)
tGuesserPlurkID = tResponseObject.getLong( "user_id" );
if (tPlurkQuestion.hasQuestionBeenHanged())
else if (tResponseAnswer.startsWith( "!guess " ))
String tPlurkerGuessString = tResponseAnswer.substring( "!guess".length() );
if (tPlurkQuestion.isGuessStringCorrect(tPlurkerGuessString) && tGuesserPlurkID == null)
tGuesserPlurkID = tResponseObject.getLong( "user_id" );
tIsWinBecauseOfDirectGuess = true;
else if (tPlurkQuestion.isGuessStringCorrect(tPlurkerGuessString) && tGuesserPlurkID != null)
String tPlurkerNameString = tPlurkResponse.getJSONObject( "friends" ).getJSONObject( String.valueOf( tResponseObject.getLong( "user_id" ) ) ).getString( "nick_name" );
tGuesserLateGuessStringSet.add( tPlurkerNameString + "|" + tPlurkerGuessString );
System.out.println("Adding [" + tPlurkerNameString + "|" + tPlurkerGuessString + "] to the late map " + tGuesserLateGuessStringSet.toString());
String tPlurkerNameString = tPlurkResponse.getJSONObject( "friends" ).getJSONObject( String.valueOf( tResponseObject.getLong( "user_id" ) ) ).getString( "nick_name" );
tGuesserWrongGuessStringSet.add( tPlurkerNameString + "|" + tPlurkerGuessString );
System.out.println("Adding [" + tPlurkerNameString + "|" + tPlurkerGuessString + "] to the map " + tGuesserWrongGuessStringSet.toString());
if (tGuesserPlurkID != null) // we have a winner here!
JSONObject tWinnerJSONObject = tPlurkResponse.getJSONObject( "friends" ).getJSONObject( String.valueOf( tGuesserPlurkID ) );
int tAnswererAnswerCount = incrementAnswererAnswerCount( tGuesserPlurkID, tWinnerJSONObject.getString( "nick_name" ) );
if (tIsWinBecauseOfDirectGuess)
postCongratulatoryMessage(tPlurkQuestion, tWinnerJSONObject, tIsWinBecauseOfDirectGuess, tAnswererAnswerCount);
postCharacterGuessesResponse(tPlurkQuestion, tGuessedCharacterSet);
try { Thread.sleep( 100 ); } catch (Exception ex) {}
postCongratulatoryMessage(tPlurkQuestion, tWinnerJSONObject, tIsWinBecauseOfDirectGuess, tAnswererAnswerCount);
try { Thread.sleep( 100 ); } catch (Exception ex) {}
tPlurkQuestion.IS_SOLVED = Boolean.TRUE;
// reset the monitored ID
pObjectify.put( GlobalGameConfig.withKey( cLastMonitoredPlurkID ).withValue( null ) );
if (tPlurkQuestion.SENTENCE.equalsIgnoreCase( "You have been trolled" ))
PlurkService.getInstance().responseAdd( String.valueOf (tPlurkQuestion.PLURK_ID), "(troll)", Qualifier.GIVES);
else if (!tGuessedCharacterSet.isEmpty()) // no winner yet, post new guesses result if someone made a guess
postCharacterGuessesResponse(tPlurkQuestion, tGuessedCharacterSet);
if (!tGuesserWrongGuessStringSet.isEmpty())
for (String tWrongGuess : tGuesserWrongGuessStringSet)
String tPlurkerName = tWrongGuess.substring( 0, tWrongGuess.indexOf( "|" ) );
String tPlurkerAnswer = tWrongGuess.substring( tWrongGuess.indexOf( "|" ) + 1 ).trim();
PlurkService.getInstance().responseAdd( String.valueOf (tPlurkQuestion.PLURK_ID), "sorry @" + tPlurkerName + ", the answer is not `" + tPlurkerAnswer + "`", Qualifier.SAYS );
if (!tGuesserLateGuessStringSet.isEmpty())
for (String tLateGuess : tGuesserLateGuessStringSet)
String tPlurkerName = tLateGuess.substring( 0, tLateGuess.indexOf( "|" ) );
String tPlurkEmote = "(troll)";
if (tPlurkerName.equalsIgnoreCase( "ruicilita" )) tPlurkEmote = "(cozy)";
PlurkService.getInstance().responseAdd( String.valueOf (tPlurkQuestion.PLURK_ID), "the answer is correct @" + tPlurkerName + ", but you are too late. " + tPlurkEmote, Qualifier.SAYS );
if (tPlurkQuestion.hasQuestionBeenHanged()) // if question has been hanged
PlurkService.getInstance().responseAdd( String.valueOf (tPlurkQuestion.PLURK_ID), "Whoops, you guys ran out of tries, this question is closed now. (yarr) Remember, there are only 10 incorrect guesses allowed per question.", Qualifier.SAYS );
try { Thread.sleep( 100 ); } catch (Exception ex) {}