private void listByPartition(DboColumnMeta colMeta, NoSqlEntityManager mgr) {
if(!(colMeta instanceof DboColumnToOneMeta))
throw new InvalidCommand("We can only list the partitions when partitioning by a field with @ManyToOne annotation and col="+colMeta.getColumnName()+" does not have that annotation");
String cf = colMeta.getOwner().getColumnFamily();
DboColumnToOneMeta fkMeta = (DboColumnToOneMeta) colMeta;
DboTableMeta fkTable = fkMeta.getFkToColumnFamily();
String sql = "SELECT * FROM "+fkTable.getColumnFamily();
NoSqlTypedSession s = mgr.getTypedSession();
QueryResult query = s.createQueryCursor(sql, 100);
ViewInfo oneView = query.getViews().get(0);
Cursor<IndexColumnInfo> cursor = query.getCursor();
String firstPart = "/"+cf+"/<AnyIndexedColumn>/"+fkMeta.getColumnName()+"/";
System.out.println("Printing partitions of "+cf+" by column "+colMeta.getColumnName());
//always print the nullpartition first and start count at with 1...