+ " was carrying (skipping " + entityGroupsInTransition.size()
+ " entityGroup(s) that are already in transition)");
// Iterate entityGroups that were on this server and assign them
if (egis != null) {
EntityGroupStates entityGroupStates = assignmentManager
List<EntityGroupInfo> toAssignEntityGroups = new ArrayList<EntityGroupInfo>();
for (Map.Entry<EntityGroupInfo, Result> e : egis.entrySet()) {
EntityGroupInfo egi = e.getKey();
EntityGroupState egit = entityGroupStates
if (processDeadEntityGroup(egi, e.getValue(), assignmentManager,
server)) {
ServerName addressFromAM = entityGroupStates
if (addressFromAM != null && !addressFromAM.equals(this.serverName)) {
// If this entityGroup is in transition on the dead server, it
// must be
// opening or pending_open, which is covered by