pair = fClient.execute(sqls, session.getSessionId());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (ioe instanceof ClientConcernedException) {
ClientConcernedException exception = (ClientConcernedException) ioe;
throw new SQLException(JdbcException.get(exception.getErrorCode(),
ioe, ioe.getMessage()));
log.error("FClinet execute sql error", ioe);
throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
// if the query result is null
if (pair == null) {
Pair<Boolean, List<ExecuteResult>> resultPair = pair.getSecond();
if (resultPair == null) {
List<ExecuteResult> executeResults = resultPair.getSecond();
isLastScan = resultPair.getFirst();
int effectNums = 0;
for (ExecuteResult executeResult : executeResults) {
isQuery = executeResult.isQuery();
// Query
if (executeResult.isQuery()) {
Map<String, Pair<DataType, byte[]>> ret = executeResult.getMap();
List<Value> values = New.arrayList();
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, Pair<DataType, byte[]>> stringPairEntry : ret
.entrySet()) {
String columnLabel = stringPairEntry.getKey();
if (columnLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("rowkey")) {
if (lableAliasInited == false) {
mapColumn(aliasLabelMap, columnLabel, i++);
Pair<DataType, byte[]> typeAndValue = ret.get(columnLabel);
Value v = Value.toValue(typeAndValue.getSecond(),
result.add(values.toArray(new Value[values.size()]));
lableAliasInited = true;
} else {
OperationStatus operationStatus = executeResult.getStatus();
// write
if ((
.equals(operationStatus.getOperationStatusCode().name())) {
} else if (((
.equals(operationStatus.getOperationStatusCode().name()))) {
String exceptionClassName = operationStatus.getExceptionClassname();
String exceptionMsg = operationStatus.getExceptionMsg();
if (StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(exceptionClassName)) {
try {
Class exceptionClazz = Class.forName(exceptionClassName);
Constructor constructor = exceptionClazz
Object exceptionObject = constructor.newInstance(exceptionMsg);
if (exceptionObject instanceof ClientConcernedException) {
ClientConcernedException exception = (ClientConcernedException) exceptionObject;
throw new SQLException(JdbcException.get(
exception.getErrorCode(), exceptionMsg));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
log.error("ClassNotFoundException with Exception class name "
+ exceptionClassName, e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);