private TopoCommStatsInfo getCommStatsData(String topologyId) {
String taskId;
String componentId;
TaskHeartbeat taskHb;
TopoCommStatsInfo commStatsInfo = topologyMap.get(topologyId);
if (commStatsInfo == null) {LOG.warn("commStatsInfo is null, topoId=" + topologyId);}
Map<String, TaskHeartbeat> heartbeats = clusterState.task_heartbeat(topologyId);
if (heartbeats == null || heartbeats.size() == 0) return null;
for (Entry<String, TaskHeartbeat> entry : heartbeats.entrySet()) {
taskId = entry.getKey();
taskHb = entry.getValue();
TaskInfo taskInfo = clusterState.task_info(topologyId, Integer.parseInt(taskId));
if (taskInfo == null ) {
LOG.warn("Task information can not be found in ZK for task-" + taskId);
componentId = taskInfo.getComponentId();
//update taskHb into the corresponding component map
if (taskHb.getComponentType().equals("spout")) {
commStatsInfo.addToSpoutList(componentId, taskId, taskHb);
} else {
commStatsInfo.addToBoltList(componentId, taskId, taskHb);