public Component getPreview ( final WebLookAndFeelDemo owner )
// Animated tristate check box
final WebTristateCheckBox tristateCheckBoxA = new WebTristateCheckBox ( "Animated tristate checkbox" );
tristateCheckBoxA.setMixed ();
// Static tristate check box
final WebTristateCheckBox tristateCheckBoxS = new WebTristateCheckBox ( "Static tristate checkbox" );
tristateCheckBoxS.setAnimated ( false );
// Tristate check box with reversed checking order
final WebTristateCheckBox reversedTristateCheckbox = new WebTristateCheckBox ( "Tristate checkbox with reversed order" );
reversedTristateCheckbox.setCheckMixedOnToggle ( true );
return new GroupPanel ( 4, false, tristateCheckBoxA, tristateCheckBoxS, reversedTristateCheckbox );