
Examples of

      Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID,
          "TRTrackerServerProcessorUDP: packet received: "
              + request.getString()));
      PRUDPPacket          reply   = null;
      TRTrackerServerTorrentImpl  torrent  = null;
      if ( auth_user_bytes != null ){
        // user name is irrelevant as we only have one at the moment
        //<parg_home> so <new_packet> = <old_packet> + <user_padded_to_8_bytes> + <hash>
        //<parg_home> where <hash> = first 8 bytes of sha1(<old_packet> + <user_padded_to_8> + sha1(pass))
        //<XTF> Yes
        byte[] sha1_pw = null;
        if ( server.hasExternalAuthorisation()){
            URL  resource = new URL( "udp://" + server.getHost() + ":" + server.getPort() + "/" );
            sha1_pw = server.performExternalAuthorisation( resource, auth_user );
          }catch( MalformedURLException e ){
            Debug.printStackTrace( e );
          if ( sha1_pw == null ){
            Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR,
                "TRTrackerServerProcessorUDP: auth fails for user '"
                    + auth_user + "'"));

            reply = new PRUDPPacketReplyError( request.getTransactionId(), "Access Denied" );
          sha1_pw = server.getPassword();
          // if we haven't already failed then check the PW
        if ( reply == null ){
          SHA1Hasher  hasher = new SHA1Hasher();
          hasher.update( input_buffer, 0, packet_data_length);
          hasher.update( auth_user_bytes );
          hasher.update( sha1_pw );
          byte[]  digest = hasher.getDigest();
          for (int i=0;i<auth_hash.length;i++){
            if ( auth_hash[i] != digest[i] ){
              Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID, LogEvent.LT_ERROR,
                  "TRTrackerServerProcessorUDP: auth fails for user '"
                      + auth_user + "'"));
              reply = new PRUDPPacketReplyError( request.getTransactionId(), "Access Denied" );
      int request_type = TRTrackerServerRequest.RT_UNKNOWN;
      if ( reply == null ){
        if ( server.isEnabled()){
            int  type = request.getAction();
            if ( type == PRUDPPacketTracker.ACT_REQUEST_CONNECT ){
              reply = handleConnect( client_ip_address, request );
            }else if (type == PRUDPPacketTracker.ACT_REQUEST_ANNOUNCE ){
              Object[] x = handleAnnounceAndScrape( client_ip_address, request, TRTrackerServerRequest.RT_ANNOUNCE );
              if ( x == null ){
                throw( new Exception( "Connection ID mismatch" ));
              reply   = (PRUDPPacket)x[0];
              torrent  = (TRTrackerServerTorrentImpl)x[1];
              request_type = TRTrackerServerRequest.RT_ANNOUNCE;
            }else if ( type == PRUDPPacketTracker.ACT_REQUEST_SCRAPE ){
              Object[] x = handleAnnounceAndScrape( client_ip_address, request, TRTrackerServerRequest.RT_SCRAPE );
              if ( x == null ){
                throw( new Exception( "Connection ID mismatch" ));

              reply   = (PRUDPPacket)x[0];
              torrent  = (TRTrackerServerTorrentImpl)x[1];
              request_type = TRTrackerServerRequest.RT_SCRAPE;
              reply = new PRUDPPacketReplyError( request.getTransactionId(), "unsupported action");
          }catch( Throwable e ){
            // e.printStackTrace();
            String  error = e.getMessage();
            if ( error == null ){
              error = e.toString();
            reply = new PRUDPPacketReplyError( request.getTransactionId(), error );
          System.out.println( "UDP Tracker: replying 'disabled' to " + client_ip_address );
          reply = new PRUDPPacketReplyError( request.getTransactionId(), "UDP Tracker disabled" );
      if ( reply != null ){
        InetAddress address = request_dg.getAddress();
        ByteArrayOutputStream  baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream( baos );
        byte[]  output_buffer = baos.toByteArray();
        DatagramPacket reply_packet = new DatagramPacket(output_buffer, output_buffer.length,address,request_dg.getPort());
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    String          client_ip_address,
    PRUDPPacketRequest    request )
    long  conn_id = allocateConnectionId( client_ip_address );
    PRUDPPacket reply = new PRUDPPacketReplyConnect(request.getTransactionId(), conn_id );
    return( reply );
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      String  failure_reason = null;
      for (int retry_loop=0;retry_loop<PRUDPPacketTracker.DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT;retry_loop++){
          PRUDPPacket connect_request = new PRUDPPacketRequestConnect();
          PRUDPPacket reply = handler.sendAndReceive( auth, connect_request, destination );
          if ( reply.getAction() == PRUDPPacketTracker.ACT_REPLY_CONNECT ){
            PRUDPPacketReplyConnect connect_reply = (PRUDPPacketReplyConnect)reply;
            long  my_connection = connect_reply.getConnectionId();
            PRUDPPacketRequestScrape scrape_request = new PRUDPPacketRequestScrape( my_connection, hashes );
            reply = handler.sendAndReceive( auth, scrape_request, destination );
            if ( reply.getAction() == PRUDPPacketTracker.ACT_REPLY_SCRAPE ){
              auth_ok  = true;
              if ( PRUDPPacketTracker.VERSION == 1 ){
                PRUDPPacketReplyScrape  scrape_reply = (PRUDPPacketReplyScrape)reply;
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