Package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.util

Examples of com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.util.ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderRange

    setReconnectDelay( RECONNECT_DEFAULT, false );
    ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader  http_downloader = null;
      http_downloader = new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderRange( new URL( str ), getUserAgent());

        // unfortunately using HttpURLConnection it isn't possible to read the 503 response as per
        // protocol - however, for az http web seeds we don't uses 503 anyway so we cna use URLCon. The
        // main benefit here is we also get http proxying which we don't get with our direct socket
        // support...
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    if ( to_torrent.isSimpleTorrent()){
      http_downloaders =
        new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader[]{
          linear_download?new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderLinear( url, ua ):new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderRange( url, ua )};
      downloader_offsets   = new long[]{ 0 };
      downloader_lengths  = new long[]{ to_torrent.getSize() };
      TOTorrentFile[]  files = to_torrent.getFiles();
      http_downloaders = new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloader[ files.length ];
      downloader_offsets   = new long[ files.length ];
      downloader_lengths  = new long[ files.length ];

      long  offset  = 0;
        // encoding is a problem, assume ISO-8859-1
      String  base_url = url.toString();
      if ( base_url.endsWith( "/" )){
        base_url = base_url.substring( 0, base_url.length()-1 );
      base_url += "/" + URLEncoder.encode( new String( to_torrent.getName(), "ISO-8859-1" ), "ISO-8859-1" ).replaceAll("\\+", "%20");
      for (int i=0;i<files.length;i++ ){
        TOTorrentFile  file = files[i];
        long length = file.getLength();
        String  file_url_str = base_url;
        byte[][] bits = file.getPathComponents();
        for (int j=0;j<bits.length;j++){
          file_url_str += "/" + URLEncoder.encode( new String( bits[j], "ISO-8859-1" ), "ISO-8859-1" ).replaceAll("\\+", "%20");
        http_downloaders[i] = linear_download?new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderLinear( new URL( file_url_str), ua ):new ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderRange( new URL( file_url_str), ua );
        downloader_offsets[i= offset;
        downloader_lengths[i= length;
        offset += length;
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Related Classes of com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.extseed.util.ExternalSeedHTTPDownloaderRange

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