* Allocate more measurements according to the algorithm, and put them into
* the measurementsToGive list in round-robin fashion.
public void AllocateMore() {
Tuple D[] = new Tuple[M()];
int i, b = MathPF.argmax(belief.mu);
// System.out.println("AllocateMore");
* Compute D[i] for each alternative according to the procedure in the
* left hand column on page 958 of the paper. We compute D[i] when i<>b
* in a straightforward fashion in the loop. D[b] is more complicated,
* being computed as the sum of terms over i<>b. Also see notes on
* 10/9/2007, p3.
double Db = 0;
for (i = 0; i < M(); i++) {
double s2bi, s2bii, s2bib; // standard deviations.
double fbi, fbii, fbib; // values for bf.
if (i == b)
s2bi = Math.sqrt(1 / belief.beta[b] + 1 / belief.beta[i]);
s2bii = Math.sqrt(1 / belief.beta[b] + 1
/ (belief.beta[i] + belief.noiseBeta[i]));
s2bib = Math.sqrt(1 / belief.beta[i] + 1
/ (belief.beta[b] + belief.noiseBeta[b]));
fbi = bf(belief.mu[b] - belief.mu[i], s2bi);
fbii = bf(belief.mu[b] - belief.mu[i], s2bii);
fbib = bf(belief.mu[b] - belief.mu[i], s2bib);
D[i] = new Tuple().add(fbii - fbi).add(i);
Db += fbib - fbi;
D[b] = new Tuple().add(Db).add(b);
// System.out.println(Arrays.toString(D));
* Now find the mHeChCh best (minimum) values of D and allocate tau each