
Examples of

    public List<Object> getEntityList(AdaptrexSession session, Store store) {
  DataConfig config = store.getConfig();
  List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();

  try {
      EntityManager em = (EntityManager) session.getPersistence().getNativeSession();

      Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(config.getParams());

      Class<?> clazz = config.getClazz();
      String className = clazz.getSimpleName();
      String alias = className.toLowerCase().substring(0, 1);

       * Core JPQL
      String jpql = "SELECT " + alias + " FROM " + className + " " + alias;

       * Where
      String where = "";
      if (config.getWhere() != null) {
    where += config.getWhere();

       * Filter
      for (Filter filter : config.getFilters()) {
      if (!where.isEmpty()) {
        where += " AND ";

      String val = String.valueOf(filter.getValue());
      String prop = filter.getProperty();
      String param = prop.replace(".", "_");

       * Handle between inclusive
      if (val.contains(">=<")) {
        String[] filterParts = val.split(">=<");

        where += "(" + alias + "." + prop + " BETWEEN :"
          + param + "_low AND :" + param + "_high)"
          + "";
        parameters.put(param + "_low", filterParts[0]);
        parameters.put(param + "_high", filterParts[1]);

       * Handle "OR"
      } else if (val.contains("||")) {
        String whereOr = "";
        int i = 1;

        for (String orPart : val.split("\\|\\|")) {
        whereOr += whereOr.isEmpty() ? "(" : " OR ";
        whereOr += alias + "." + prop + " = :" + param + i;
        parameters.put(param + i, orPart);
        whereOr += ")";
        where += whereOr;

      } else {
        String eqType = val.contains("%") ? " like " : " = ";
        if (eqType.contains("like")) {
          where += "lower(" + alias + "." + prop + ")" + eqType + ":" + param;

        } else {
          where += alias + "." + prop + eqType + ":" + param;

        parameters.put(param, val);

       * Add where clause
      if (!where.isEmpty()) {
    jpql += " WHERE " + where;

      if (config.getSorters().size() > 0) {
    String sortClause = "";
    for (Sorter sorter : config.getSorters()) {
        if (!sortClause.isEmpty()) {
      sortClause += ",";
        sortClause += alias + "." + sorter.getProperty() + " " + sorter.getDirection();
    jpql += " ORDER BY " + sortClause;

      log.debug("JPQL: " + jpql);
      Query q = em.createQuery(jpql, clazz);

       * Add params
       * TODO: This is tedius... we want to automatically determine the
       * type for the field we're trying to set the parameter for
      for (String key : parameters.keySet()) {
    Object paramObj = parameters.get(key);

    Class<?> paramType = q.getParameter(key).getParameterType();
    String typeName = paramType.getSimpleName().toLowerCase();

    try {
        if (typeName.equals("boolean")) {
      String stringVal = (String) paramObj;
      paramObj = stringVal.equals("1") || stringVal.equals("true") || stringVal.equals("Y");

        } else if (typeName.equals("date")) {
      paramObj = dateFormat.parse((String) paramObj);

        } else {
      Method m = paramType.getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", String.class);
      paramObj = m.invoke(null, paramObj);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    log.debug("  Param: " + key + " = " + paramObj);
    q.setParameter(key, paramObj);


      if (config.getPageSize() != null) {
      if (config.getStart() != null) {
      list = q.getResultList();
  } catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn("Error", e);
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     * Get the config
    AdaptrexPersistence persistence = Adaptrex.getAdaptrex()
    Class<?> clazz = persistence.getEntityClass(className);
    DataConfig config = new DataConfig(clazz, persistence);

     * Create the model
    AdaptrexSession session = new AdaptrexSession(persistence);
    Model model = new Model(session, config);

     * Set the model name
    String modelName = namespace + ".model."
        + (name != null ? name : className);

    if (include != null) {
    if (exclude != null) {

     * Add associations
    if (associations != null) {

     * The proxy needs additinoal information from the model. We shouldn't
     * create the proxy until the store has been fully configured
    if (rest != null) {
      String restPath = getRequest().getContextPath()
          + "/rest/"
          + (rest.equals("true") ? clazz.getSimpleName()
              .toLowerCase() : rest);
      config.setProxy(new RestProxy(restPath, config));

     * TODO: Make sure we're outputting our model definition in the same way
     * as in the store
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       * Get the config
      AdaptrexPersistence persistence =
      Class<?> clazz = persistence.getEntityClass(className);
      DataConfig config = new DataConfig(clazz, persistence);

       * Create the store
      AdaptrexSession session = new AdaptrexSession(persistence);
      Store store = new Store(session, config);

       * Set the model name
      String modelName = namespace + ".model." + (name != null ? name : className);

       * If our store doesn't have a class drop out
      if (clazz == null) {
        write("<!-- Error creating store: Could not find entity for " + className + " -->\n");

       * Various store options
      if (pageSize != null) {
      if (include != null) {
      if (exclude != null) {

      if (clearOnPageLoad != null && clearOnPageLoad.equals("true")) {
      if (clearRemovedOnLoad != null && clearRemovedOnLoad.equals("true")) {
      if (autoSync != null && autoSync.equals("true")) {
      if (autoLoad != null && autoLoad.equals("true")) {
      if (remoteGroup != null && remoteGroup.equals("true")) {
      if (remoteSort != null && remoteSort.equals("true")) {
      if (remoteFilter != null && remoteFilter.equals("true")) {
      if (sortOnFilter != null && sortOnFilter.equals("true")) {

       * Filtering
      if (filter != null) {
        for (String filterItem : filter.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = filterItem.split("=");
          String property = parts[0];
          String value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : null;
          config.filter(property, value);

       * Grouping
      if (group != null) {
        for (String groupItem : group.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = groupItem.split(":");
          String property = parts[0];
          String direction = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : null;
          String root = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : null;
, direction, root);

       * Sorting
      if (sort != null) {
        for (String sortItem : sort.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = sortItem.split(":");
          String property = parts[0];
          String direction = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : "ASC";
          String root = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : null;

          config.sort(property, direction, root);

       * Buffering
      if (buffered != null && buffered.contains("false")) {
        if (!buffered.equals("true")) {
          String[] parts = buffered.split(":");
          if (parts.length > 1) {
          if (parts.length > 1) {

       * Add associations
      if (associations != null) {

       * Load inline data?
      if (inline != null && inline.equals("true")) {

      if (where != null) {

      if (param != null) {
        for (String p : param.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = p.split(":");
          config.param(parts[0], parts[1]);

      if (start != null) {

       * The proxy needs additinoal information from the store.  We shouldn't create
       * the proxy until the store has been fully configured
      if (rest != null) {
        String restPath = getRequest().getContextPath() + "/rest/"
            + (rest.equals("true") ? clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() : rest);
        config.setProxy(new RestProxy(restPath, config));

      StoreDefinition storeDefinition = store.getStoreDefinition();
      ModelDefinition baseModelDefinition = store.getModelDefinition();

       * Write the javascript for this store/model.
       * During development using Ext.Loader, we need to syncRequire
       * If we asynchronously load all of our model's dependencies, they will not be
       * available at the time we define our store.  If they are not available, our
       * model definition will not yet be instantiated and Ext.Loader will attempt (and fail)
       * to load it dynamically.
      String extBuild = param(a, AdaptrexConfig.EXT_BUILD);
      if (extBuild == null) extBuild = Adaptrex.getAdaptrex().getConfig().get(AdaptrexConfig.EXT_BUILD, "production")
      String storeName = namespace + ".store." + StringUtilities.pluralize(config.getSimpleModelName());
       * Build the output javascript
      String output = "Ext.define(\"" + modelName + "\"," + StringUtilities.json(baseModelDefinition) + ");\n"
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    public List<Object> getEntityList(AdaptrexSession session, Store store) {
  DataConfig config = store.getConfig();
  List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();

  try {
      EntityManager em = (EntityManager) session.getPersistence().getNativeSession();

      Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(config.getParams());

      Class<?> clazz = config.getClazz();
      String className = clazz.getSimpleName();
      String alias = className.toLowerCase().substring(0, 1);

       * Core JPQL
      String jpql = "SELECT " + alias + " FROM " + className + " " + alias;

       * Where
      String where = "";
      if (config.getWhere() != null) {
    where += config.getWhere();

       * Filter
      for (Filter filter : config.getFilters()) {
      if (!where.isEmpty()) {
        where += " AND ";

      String val = String.valueOf(filter.getValue());
      String prop = filter.getProperty();
      String param = prop.replace(".", "_");

       * Handle between inclusive
      if (val.contains(">=<")) {
        String[] filterParts = val.split(">=<");

        where += "(" + alias + "." + prop + " BETWEEN :"
          + param + "_low AND :" + param + "_high)"
          + "";
        parameters.put(param + "_low", filterParts[0]);
        parameters.put(param + "_high", filterParts[1]);

       * Handle "OR"
      } else if (val.contains("||")) {
        String whereOr = "";
        int i = 1;

        for (String orPart : val.split("\\|\\|")) {
        whereOr += whereOr.isEmpty() ? "(" : " OR ";
        whereOr += alias + "." + prop + " = :" + param + i;
        parameters.put(param + i, orPart);
        whereOr += ")";
        where += whereOr;

      } else {
        String eqType = val.contains("%") ? " like " : " = ";
        if (eqType.contains("like")) {
          where += "lower(" + alias + "." + prop + ")" + eqType + ":" + param;

        } else {
          where += alias + "." + prop + eqType + ":" + param;

        parameters.put(param, val);

       * Add where clause
      if (!where.isEmpty()) {
    jpql += " WHERE " + where;

      if (config.getSorters().size() > 0) {
    String sortClause = "";
    for (Sorter sorter : config.getSorters()) {
        if (!sortClause.isEmpty()) {
      sortClause += ",";
        sortClause += alias + "." + sorter.getProperty() + " " + sorter.getDirection();
    jpql += " ORDER BY " + sortClause;

      log.debug("JPQL: " + jpql);
      Query q = em.createQuery(jpql, clazz);

       * Add params
       * TODO: This is tedius... we want to automatically determine the
       * type for the field we're trying to set the parameter for
      for (String key : parameters.keySet()) {
    Object paramObj = parameters.get(key);

    Class<?> paramType = q.getParameter(key).getParameterType();
    String typeName = paramType.getSimpleName().toLowerCase();

    try {
        if (typeName.equals("boolean")) {
      String stringVal = (String) paramObj;
      paramObj = stringVal.equals("1") || stringVal.equals("true") || stringVal.equals("Y");

        } else if (typeName.equals("date")) {
      paramObj = dateFormat.parse((String) paramObj);

        } else {
      Method m = paramType.getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", String.class);
      paramObj = m.invoke(null, paramObj);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    log.debug("  Param: " + key + " = " + paramObj);
    q.setParameter(key, paramObj);


      if (config.getPageSize() != null) {
      if (config.getStart() != null) {
      list = q.getResultList();
  } catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn("Error", e);
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    public List<Object> getEntityList(AdaptrexSession session, Store store) {
  DataConfig config = store.getConfig();
  List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();

  try {
      EntityManager em = (EntityManager) session.getPersistence().getNativeSession();

      Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(config.getParams());

      Class<?> clazz = config.getClazz();
      String className = clazz.getSimpleName();
      String alias = className.toLowerCase().substring(0, 1);

       * Core JPQL
      String jpql = "SELECT " + alias + " FROM " + className + " " + alias;

       * Where
      String where = "";
      if (config.getWhere() != null) {
    where += config.getWhere();

       * Filter
      for (Filter filter : config.getFilters()) {
      if (!where.isEmpty()) {
        where += " AND ";

      String val = String.valueOf(filter.getValue());
      String prop = filter.getProperty();
      String param = prop.replace(".", "_");

       * Handle between inclusive
      if (val.contains(">=<")) {
        String[] filterParts = val.split(">=<");

        where += "(" + alias + "." + prop + " BETWEEN :"
          + param + "_low AND :" + param + "_high)"
          + "";
        parameters.put(param + "_low", filterParts[0]);
        parameters.put(param + "_high", filterParts[1]);

       * Handle "OR"
      } else if (val.contains("||")) {
        String whereOr = "";
        int i = 1;

        for (String orPart : val.split("\\|\\|")) {
        whereOr += whereOr.isEmpty() ? "(" : " OR ";
        whereOr += alias + "." + prop + " = :" + param + i;
        parameters.put(param + i, orPart);
        whereOr += ")";
        where += whereOr;

      } else {
        String eqType = val.contains("%") ? " like " : " = ";
        if (eqType.contains("like")) {
          where += "lower(" + alias + "." + prop + ")" + eqType + ":" + param;

        } else {
          where += alias + "." + prop + eqType + ":" + param;

        parameters.put(param, val);

       * Add where clause
      if (!where.isEmpty()) {
    jpql += " WHERE " + where;

      if (config.getSorters().size() > 0) {
    String sortClause = "";
    for (Sorter sorter : config.getSorters()) {
        if (!sortClause.isEmpty()) {
      sortClause += ",";
        sortClause += alias + "." + sorter.getProperty() + " " + sorter.getDirection();
    jpql += " ORDER BY " + sortClause;

      log.debug("JPQL: " + jpql);
      Query q = em.createQuery(jpql, clazz);

       * Add params
       * TODO: This is tedius... we want to automatically determine the
       * type for the field we're trying to set the parameter for
      for (String key : parameters.keySet()) {
    Object paramObj = parameters.get(key);

    Class<?> paramType = q.getParameter(key).getParameterType();
    String typeName = paramType.getSimpleName().toLowerCase();

    try {
        if (typeName.equals("boolean")) {
      String stringVal = (String) paramObj;
      paramObj = stringVal.equals("1") || stringVal.equals("true") || stringVal.equals("Y");

        } else if (typeName.equals("date")) {
      paramObj = dateFormat.parse((String) paramObj);

        } else {
      Method m = paramType.getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", String.class);
      paramObj = m.invoke(null, paramObj);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    log.debug("  Param: " + key + " = " + paramObj);
    q.setParameter(key, paramObj);


      if (config.getPageSize() != null) {
      if (config.getStart() != null) {
      list = q.getResultList();
  } catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn("Error", e);
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   * Get the config
  AdaptrexPersistence persistence =
  Class<?> clazz = persistence.getEntityClass(className);
  DataConfig config = new DataConfig(clazz, persistence);

   * Create the model
  AdaptrexSession session = new AdaptrexSession(persistence);
  Model model = new Model(session, config);

   * Set the model name
  String modelName = ns + ".model." + (name != null ? name : className);

  if (include != null) {
  if (exclude != null) {

   * Add associations
  if (associations != null) {

   * The proxy needs additinoal information from the model.  We shouldn't create
   * the proxy until the store has been fully configured
  if (rest != null) {
      String restPath = getRequest().getContextPath() + "/rest/" +
      (rest.equals("true") ? clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() : rest);
      config.setProxy(new RestProxy(restPath, config));

  ModelDefinition modelDef = model.getModelDefinition();
  String output = "Ext.define(\"" + modelName + "\"," + StringUtilities.json(modelDef) + ");\n";
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       * Get the config
      AdaptrexPersistence persistence =
      Class<?> clazz = persistence.getEntityClass(className);
      DataConfig config = new DataConfig(clazz, persistence);

       * Create the store
      AdaptrexSession session = new AdaptrexSession(persistence);
      Store store = new Store(session, config);

       * Set the model name
      String modelName = ns + ".model." + (name != null ? name : className);

       * If our store doesn't have a class drop out
      if (clazz == null) {
        write("<!-- Error creating store: Could not find entity for " + className + " -->\n");

       * Various store options
      if (pageSize != null) {
      if (include != null) {
      if (exclude != null) {

      if (clearOnPageLoad != null && clearOnPageLoad.equals("true")) {
      if (clearRemovedOnLoad != null && clearRemovedOnLoad.equals("true")) {
      if (autoSync != null && autoSync.equals("true")) {
      if (autoLoad != null && autoLoad.equals("true")) {
      if (remoteGroup != null && remoteGroup.equals("true")) {
      if (remoteSort != null && remoteSort.equals("true")) {
      if (remoteFilter != null && remoteFilter.equals("true")) {
      if (sortOnFilter != null && sortOnFilter.equals("true")) {

       * Filtering
      if (filter != null) {
        for (String filterItem : filter.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = filterItem.split("=");
          String property = parts[0];
          String value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : null;
          config.filter(property, value);

       * Grouping
      if (group != null) {
        for (String groupItem : group.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = groupItem.split(":");
          String property = parts[0];
          String direction = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : null;
          String root = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : null;
, direction, root);

       * Sorting
      if (sort != null) {
        for (String sortItem : sort.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = sortItem.split(":");
          String property = parts[0];
          String direction = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : "ASC";
          String root = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : null;

          config.sort(property, direction, root);

       * Buffering
      if (buffered != null && buffered.contains("false")) {
        if (!buffered.equals("true")) {
          String[] parts = buffered.split(":");
          if (parts.length > 1) {
          if (parts.length > 1) {

       * Add associations
      if (associations != null) {

       * Load inline data?
      if (inline != null && inline.equals("true")) {

      if (where != null) {

      if (param != null) {
        for (String p : param.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = p.split(":");
          config.param(parts[0], parts[1]);

      if (start != null) {

       * The proxy needs additinoal information from the store.  We shouldn't create
       * the proxy until the store has been fully configured
      if (rest != null) {
        String restPath = getRequest().getContextPath() + "/rest/"
            + (rest.equals("true") ? clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() : rest);
        config.setProxy(new RestProxy(restPath, config));

      StoreDefinition storeDefinition = store.getStoreDefinition();
      ModelDefinition baseModelDefinition = store.getModelDefinition();

       * Write the javascript for this store/model.
       * During development using Ext.Loader, we need to syncRequire
       * If we asynchronously load all of our model's dependencies, they will not be
       * available at the time we define our store.  If they are not available, our
       * model definition will not yet be instantiated and Ext.Loader will attempt (and fail)
       * to load it dynamically.
      String storeName = ns + ".store." + StringUtilities.pluralize(config.getSimpleModelName());
      String output = ""
          + "Ext.syncRequire(['','','',''], function(){;\n"
          + "Ext.define(\"" + modelName + "\"," + StringUtilities.json(baseModelDefinition) + ");\n"
          + "Ext.define(\"" + storeName + "\"," + StringUtilities.json(storeDefinition) + ");\n"
          + "Ext.onReady(function() {Ext.create(\"" + storeName + "\", {storeId:\"" + storeName.split(".store.")[1] + "\"})})\n";
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   * Get the config
  AdaptrexPersistence persistence =
  Class<?> clazz = persistence.getEntityClass(className);
  DataConfig config = new DataConfig(clazz, persistence);

   * Create the model
  AdaptrexSession session = new AdaptrexSession(persistence);
  Model model = new Model(session, config);

   * Set the model name
  String modelName = namespace + ".model." + (name != null ? name : className);

  if (include != null) {
  if (exclude != null) {

   * Add associations
  if (associations != null) {

   * The proxy needs additinoal information from the model.  We shouldn't create
   * the proxy until the store has been fully configured
  if (rest != null) {
      String restPath = getRequest().getContextPath() + "/rest/" +
      (rest.equals("true") ? clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() : rest);
      config.setProxy(new RestProxy(restPath, config));

  ModelDefinition modelDef = model.getModelDefinition();
  String output = "Ext.define(\"" + modelName + "\"," + StringUtilities.json(modelDef) + ");\n";
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       * Get the config
      AdaptrexPersistence persistence =
      Class<?> clazz = persistence.getEntityClass(className);
      DataConfig config = new DataConfig(clazz, persistence);

       * Create the store
      AdaptrexSession session = new AdaptrexSession(persistence);
      Store store = new Store(session, config);

       * Set the model name
      String modelName = namespace + ".model." + (name != null ? name : className);

       * If our store doesn't have a class drop out
      if (clazz == null) {
        write("<!-- Error creating store: Could not find entity for " + className + " -->\n");

       * Various store options
      if (pageSize != null) {
      if (include != null) {
      if (exclude != null) {

      if (clearOnPageLoad != null && clearOnPageLoad.equals("true")) {
      if (clearRemovedOnLoad != null && clearRemovedOnLoad.equals("true")) {
      if (autoSync != null && autoSync.equals("true")) {
      if (autoLoad != null && autoLoad.equals("true")) {
      if (remoteGroup != null && remoteGroup.equals("true")) {
      if (remoteSort != null && remoteSort.equals("true")) {
      if (remoteFilter != null && remoteFilter.equals("true")) {
      if (sortOnFilter != null && sortOnFilter.equals("true")) {

       * Filtering
      if (filter != null) {
        for (String filterItem : filter.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = filterItem.split("=");
          String property = parts[0];
          String value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : null;
          config.filter(property, value);

       * Grouping
      if (group != null) {
        for (String groupItem : group.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = groupItem.split(":");
          String property = parts[0];
          String direction = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : null;
          String root = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : null;
, direction, root);

       * Sorting
      if (sort != null) {
        for (String sortItem : sort.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = sortItem.split(":");
          String property = parts[0];
          String direction = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : "ASC";
          String root = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2] : null;

          config.sort(property, direction, root);

       * Buffering
      if (buffered != null && buffered.contains("false")) {
        if (!buffered.equals("true")) {
          String[] parts = buffered.split(":");
          if (parts.length > 1) {
          if (parts.length > 1) {

       * Add associations
      if (associations != null) {

       * Load inline data?
      if (inline != null && inline.equals("true")) {

      if (where != null) {

      if (param != null) {
        for (String p : param.split(",")) {
          String[] parts = p.split(":");
          config.param(parts[0], parts[1]);

      if (start != null) {

       * The proxy needs additinoal information from the store.  We shouldn't create
       * the proxy until the store has been fully configured
      if (rest != null) {
        String restPath = getRequest().getContextPath() + "/rest/"
            + (rest.equals("true") ? clazz.getSimpleName().toLowerCase() : rest);
        config.setProxy(new RestProxy(restPath, config));

      StoreDefinition storeDefinition = store.getStoreDefinition();
      ModelDefinition baseModelDefinition = store.getModelDefinition();

       * Write the javascript for this store/model.
       * During development using Ext.Loader, we need to syncRequire
       * If we asynchronously load all of our model's dependencies, they will not be
       * available at the time we define our store.  If they are not available, our
       * model definition will not yet be instantiated and Ext.Loader will attempt (and fail)
       * to load it dynamically.
      String storeName = namespace + ".store." + StringUtilities.pluralize(config.getSimpleModelName());
      String output = ""
          + "Ext.syncRequire(['','','',''], function(){;\n"
          + "Ext.define(\"" + modelName + "\"," + StringUtilities.json(baseModelDefinition) + ");\n"
          + "Ext.define(\"" + storeName + "\"," + StringUtilities.json(storeDefinition) + ");\n"
          + "Ext.onReady(function() {Ext.create(\"" + storeName + "\", {storeId:\"" + storeName.split(".store.")[1] + "\"})})\n";
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    public List<Object> getEntityList(AdaptrexSession session, Store store) {
  DataConfig config = store.getConfig();
  List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();

  try {
      EntityManager em = (EntityManager) session.getPersistence().getNativeSession();

      Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(config.getParams());

      Class<?> clazz = config.getClazz();
      String className = clazz.getSimpleName();
      String alias = className.toLowerCase().substring(0, 1);

       * Core JPQL
      String jpql = "SELECT " + alias + " FROM " + className + " " + alias;

       * Where
      String where = "";
      if (config.getWhere() != null) {
    where += config.getWhere();

       * Filter
      for (Filter filter : config.getFilters()) {
      if (!where.isEmpty()) {
        where += " AND ";

      String val = String.valueOf(filter.getValue());
      String prop = filter.getProperty();
      String param = prop.replace(".", "_");

       * Handle between inclusive
      if (val.contains(">=<")) {
        String[] filterParts = val.split(">=<");

        where += "(" + alias + "." + prop + " BETWEEN :"
          + param + "_low AND :" + param + "_high)"
          + "";
        parameters.put(param + "_low", filterParts[0]);
        parameters.put(param + "_high", filterParts[1]);

       * Handle "OR"
      } else if (val.contains("||")) {
        String whereOr = "";
        int i = 1;

        for (String orPart : val.split("\\|\\|")) {
        whereOr += whereOr.isEmpty() ? "(" : " OR ";
        whereOr += alias + "." + prop + " = :" + param + i;
        parameters.put(param + i, orPart);
        whereOr += ")";
        where += whereOr;

      } else {
        String eqType = val.contains("%") ? " like " : " = ";
        if (eqType.contains("like")) {
          where += "lower(" + alias + "." + prop + ")" + eqType + ":" + param;

        } else {
          where += alias + "." + prop + eqType + ":" + param;

        parameters.put(param, val);

       * Add where clause
      if (!where.isEmpty()) {
    jpql += " WHERE " + where;

      if (config.getSorters().size() > 0) {
    String sortClause = "";
    for (Sorter sorter : config.getSorters()) {
        if (!sortClause.isEmpty()) {
      sortClause += ",";
        sortClause += alias + "." + sorter.getProperty() + " " + sorter.getDirection();
    jpql += " ORDER BY " + sortClause;

      log.debug("JPQL: " + jpql);
      Query q = em.createQuery(jpql, clazz);

       * Add params
       * TODO: This is tedius... we want to automatically determine the
       * type for the field we're trying to set the parameter for
      for (String key : parameters.keySet()) {
    Object paramObj = parameters.get(key);

    Class<?> paramType = q.getParameter(key).getParameterType();
    String typeName = paramType.getSimpleName().toLowerCase();

    try {
        if (typeName.equals("boolean")) {
      String stringVal = (String) paramObj;
      paramObj = stringVal.equals("1") || stringVal.equals("true") || stringVal.equals("Y");

        } else if (typeName.equals("date")) {
      paramObj = dateFormat.parse((String) paramObj);

        } else {
      Method m = paramType.getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", String.class);
      paramObj = m.invoke(null, paramObj);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    log.debug("  Param: " + key + " = " + paramObj);
    q.setParameter(key, paramObj);


      if (config.getPageSize() != null) {
      if (config.getStart() != null) {
      list = q.getResultList();
  } catch (Exception e) {
      log.warn("Error", e);
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