public void process(final Context context) throws EvalException {
try {
if (context.getConnection() == null) {
throw new EvalException(Status.UNKNOWN, "Can not connect to server");
final ObjectName mbeanName = new ObjectName(objectName);
Object returnValue = null;
final MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = context.getConnection().getMBeanInfo(mbeanName);
final MBeanOperationInfo[] operationInfo = mbeanInfo.getOperations();
String operationName = null;
String[] argNames = null;
Object[] argValues = null;
// find the operation to execute
for (final MBeanOperationInfo op : operationInfo) {
final StringBuilder opSignature = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < op.getSignature().length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
if (operation.equals(opSignature.toString())) {
operationName = op.getName();
argNames = new String[op.getSignature().length];
argValues = new Object[op.getSignature().length];
for (int i = 0; i < op.getSignature().length; i++) {
argNames[i] = op.getSignature()[i].getType();
if (argNames[i].equals(String.class.getName())) {
argValues[i] = arguments.get(i);
} else if (argNames[i].equals("boolean")) {
argValues[i] = Boolean.valueOf(arguments.get(i));
} else if (argNames[i].equals("byte")) {
argValues[i] = Byte.valueOf(arguments.get(i));
} else if (argNames[i].equals("short")) {
argValues[i] = Short.valueOf(arguments.get(i));
} else if (argNames[i].equals("int")) {
argValues[i] = Integer.valueOf(arguments.get(i));
} else if (argNames[i].equals("long")) {
argValues[i] = Long.valueOf(arguments.get(i));
if (operationName != null) {
returnValue = context.getConnection().invoke(mbeanName, operationName, argValues, argNames);
} else {
throw new EvalException(Status.UNKNOWN, "Could not locate the operation: [" + operation + "]");
// set query result as variable
context.setVar(var, returnValue);
// process child elements
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new EvalException(Status.UNKNOWN, "Executing operation failed [" + operation + "] on object [" +
objectName + "]", e);
} catch (JMException e) {
throw new EvalException(Status.UNKNOWN, "Executing operation failed [" + operation + "] on object [" +
objectName + "]", e);