This interface no longer enforces any methods at compile time (Induction 1.4.0b was the last version to enforce compile time resolve() methods), instead this interface now simply serves as a marker now.
Induction looks for a method at runtime for implementations of this interface, the details of the methods is given below:
Resolution resolveRequest( ... )
This method will be called by Induction when it needs to resolve an incoming HTTP request to a view. The method is expected to return a Resolution object describing the view to be invoked, or null if the request did not resolve to a view. This method may request the injection of any value available to a view (including of course an instance of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest), the full list of values available for injection are detailed at the URL below:
@created Mar 29, 2009 @updated Jul 04, 2010 @author Adinath Raveendra Raj