// HD requirements are extracted from the associated Disk on ''hostResource''
String diskId = getVirtualSystemDiskId(rasdType.getHostResource());
if (!diskIdToDiskFormat.containsKey(diskId))
throw new RequiredAttributeException(
"Virtual System makes reference to an undeclared disk " + diskId);
VirtualDiskDescType diskDescType = diskIdToDiskFormat.get(diskId);
String capacity = diskDescType.getCapacity();
hd = Long.parseLong(capacity);
final String allocationUnits = diskDescType.getCapacityAllocationUnits();
final MemorySizeUnit hdSizeUnit = getMemoryUnitsFromOVF(allocationUnits);
}// rasd
if (cpu == null)
throw new RequiredAttributeException("Not CPU RASD element found on the envelope");
if (ram == null)
throw new RequiredAttributeException("Not RAM RASD element found on the envelope");
if (hd == null)
throw new RequiredAttributeException("Not HD RASD element found on the envelope");
catch (AMException amException)