if (e instanceof RuntimeException && e.getCause() != null)
e = e.getCause();
if (e instanceof JapidCompilationException) {
JapidCompilationException jce = (JapidCompilationException) e;
JapidTemplateException te = JapidTemplateException.from(jce);
RenderResult rr = RenderInvokerUtils.invokeRender(rendererClass, te);
return (rr);
// find the latest japidviews exception or the controller that caused
// the exception
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = e.getStackTrace();
for (StackTraceElement ele : stackTrace) {
String className = ele.getClassName();
if (className.startsWith("japidviews")) {
int lineNumber = ele.getLineNumber();
RendererClass applicationClass = japidClasses.get(className);
if (applicationClass != null) {
// let's get the line of problem
int oriLineNumber = applicationClass.mapJavaLineToJapidScriptLine(lineNumber);
if (oriLineNumber > 0) {
if (rendererClass != null) {
String path = applicationClass.getOriSourceCode();
JapidTemplateException te = new JapidTemplateException("Japid Error", path + "("
+ oriLineNumber + "): " + e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(),
oriLineNumber, path, applicationClass.getOriSourceCode());
RenderResult rr = RenderInvokerUtils.invokeRender(rendererClass, te);
return (rr);
} else if (className.startsWith("controllers.")) {
if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
JapidTemplateException te = new JapidTemplateException(e);
RenderResult rr = RenderInvokerUtils.invokeRender(rendererClass, te);
return rr;
// if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
// throw (RuntimeException) e;
// else