Package cirrus.hibernate

Examples of cirrus.hibernate.Transaction

    protected String doExecute(  )
        throws Exception
        Session     s = getHibernateSession(  );
        Transaction tx = null;

            tx = s.beginTransaction(  );

            /* Customer */
            Customer cst = ( Customer ) s.load( Customer.class, getUserId(  ) );

            /* Order + Items*/
            Order    order = new Order( cst );
            Map      cart = getCart(  );
            Iterator it = cart.keySet(  ).iterator(  );

            while ( it.hasNext(  ) )
                String  itemId = ( String )  );
                Item    item = ( Item ) s.load( Item.class, itemId );
                Integer quantity = ( Integer ) cart.get( itemId );
                order.add( item, quantity.intValue(  ) );

            /* Save */
   order );
            tx.commit(  );

            /* Empty the cart */
            getCart(  ).clear(  );

            /* send the email */
            String subject = "[xpetstore] Order Confimation";
            String body = "Your order has been submitted.\nThe order number is: " + order.getOrderId(  );

                MailUtil.send( cst.getEmail(  ), subject, body );
            catch ( Exception e )
                _log.error( "Unexpected error while sending email", e );

            return SUCCESS;
        catch ( Exception e )
            _log.error( "Unexpected error", e );

            if ( tx != null )
                tx.rollback(  );

            throw e;
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     * @see webwork.action.ActionSupport#doExecute()
    protected String doExecute(  )
        throws Exception
        Transaction tx = null;
        Session     s = getHibernateSession(  );
        String      customerId = _customer.getUserId(  );

            tx = s.beginTransaction(  );

            /* Make sure that the user-id is unique */
                Customer c = ( Customer ) s.load( Customer.class, customerId );

                if ( !c.getUserId(  ).equalsIgnoreCase( _customer.getUserId(  ) ) )
                    addError( "customer", getText( "duplicate_account" ) );

                    return ERROR;
            catch ( ObjectNotFoundException o ) {}

            /* Make sure that the email is unique */
            String     oql = "FROM cst IN CLASS " + Customer.class + " WHERE";
            Collection col = s.find( oql, _customer.getEmail(  ), Hibernate.STRING );

            if ( col.size(  ) > 0 )
                Customer c = ( Customer ) col.iterator(  ).next(  );

                if ( !c.getUserId(  ).equalsIgnoreCase( customerId ) )
                    addError( "customer", getText( "duplicate_email" ) );

                    return ERROR;

            save( _customer, s );
            tx.commit(  );

            return SUCCESS;
        catch ( Exception e )
            _log.error( "Unexpected error", e );

            if ( tx != null )
                tx.rollback(  );

            throw e;
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                                  URL    url,
                                  String description,
                                  User   user )
        Session     session = null;
        Transaction tx = null;

            session = _sessionFactory.openSession(  );

            BookmarkImpl bk = new BookmarkImpl( null, title, url.toString(), description, user );

            tx = session.beginTransaction(  );
   bk );
            tx.commit(  );

            return bk.getId(  );
        catch ( HibernateException e )
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                                URL    url,
                                String description )
        throws ObjectNotFoundException
        Session     session = null;
        Transaction tx = null;

            session = _sessionFactory.openSession(  );

            BookmarkImpl bk = ( BookmarkImpl ) session.load( BookmarkImpl.class, id );
            bk.setTitle( title );
            bk.setUrl( url.toString() );
            bk.setDescription( description );

            tx = session.beginTransaction(  );
            session.update( bk );
            tx.commit(  );
        catch( cirrus.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException o )
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException( "Bookmark#" + id + " not found" );
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     * @see net.sf.jportlet.portlets.bookmark.BookmarkManager#deleteBookmarks(java.lang.String[])
    public void deleteBookmarks( String ids[] )
        Session     session = null;
        Transaction tx = null;

            session = _sessionFactory.openSession(  );

            tx = session.beginTransaction(  );
            for ( int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++ )
                BookmarkImpl bk = ( BookmarkImpl ) session.load( BookmarkImpl.class, ids[ i ] );
                  session.delete( bk );
                catch( ObjectDeletedException o )

            tx.commit(  );
        catch ( HibernateException e )
            rollback( tx );
            throw new PersistenceException( e );
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Related Classes of cirrus.hibernate.Transaction

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