ngle image file l <fnm*.ext> {<coords>} // a single language specific file n <fnm*.ext> <number> // a series of numbered image files, whose // filenames use the numbers 0 - <number>-1 s <fnm> <number> // a strip file (fnm) containing a single row // of <number> images g <name> <fnm> [ <fnm> ]* // a group of files with different names; // they are accessible via // <name> and position _or_ <fnm> prefix L <fnm*.ext> // load all matching files for a language and blank lines and comment lines.
The language specific files are looked up by replacing the the wildcard with the local string and then loading the image. If the image cannot be found the default image (without local extension) will be loaded.
If the local is 'de_CH' and the filename specified is 'screenshot*.png' then the following files are tried to load:
- screenshot_de_CH.png
- screenshot_de.png
- screenshot.png
The first file that can be loaded will be returned.
The file name is followed by an optional list of points defining a polygon that can be used as a map for the image. The coordinates are entered in the form x-y. Multiple coordinates are separated by a space.
The numbered image files (n) can be accessed by the <fnm> prefix and <number>.
The strip file images can be accessed by the
prefix and their position inside the file (which is assumed to hold a single row of images).
The images in group files can be accessed by the 'g' <name> and the <fnm> prefix of the particular file, or its position in the group.
The images are stored as BufferedImage objects, so they will be manipulated as 'managed' images by the JVM (when possible).
@author Andi Hotz, (c) Sahits GmbH, 2011Created on Feb 26, 2011