It can be seen as logback classic's LoggerContext. Appenders can be attached directly to RequestLogImpl and RequestLogImpl uses the same StatusManager as LoggerContext does. It also provides containers for properties.
To configure jetty in order to use RequestLogImpl, the following lines must be added to the jetty configuration file, namely etc/jetty.xml:
<Ref id="requestLog"> <Set name="requestLog"> <New id="requestLogImpl" class="ch.qos.logback.access.jetty.RequestLogImpl"></New> </Set> </Ref>By default, RequestLogImpl looks for a logback configuration file called logback-access.xml, in the same folder where jetty.xml is located, that is etc/logback-access.xml. The logback-access.xml file is slightly different than the usual logback classic configuration file. Most of it is the same: Appenders and Layouts are declared the exact same way. However, loggers elements are not allowed.
It is possible to put the logback configuration file anywhere, as long as it's path is specified. Here is another example, with a path to the logback-access.xml file.
<Ref id="requestLog"> <Set name="requestLog"> <New id="requestLogImpl" class="ch.qos.logback.access.jetty.RequestLogImpl"></New> <Set name="fileName">path/to/logback.xml</Set> </Set> </Ref>
Here is a sample logback-access.xml file that can be used right away:
<configuration> <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"> <layout class="ch.qos.logback.access.PatternLayout"> <param name="Pattern" value="%date %server %remoteIP %clientHost %user %requestURL" /> </layout> </appender> <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" /> </configuration>
Another configuration file, using SMTPAppender, could be:
<configuration> <appender name="SMTP" class=""> <layout class="ch.qos.logback.access.PatternLayout"> <param name="pattern" value="%remoteIP [%date] %requestURL %statusCode %bytesSent" /> </layout> <param name="From" value="" /> <param name="SMTPHost" value="" /> <param name="Subject" value="Last Event: %statusCode %requestURL" /> <param name="To" value="" /> </appender> <appender-ref ref="SMTP" /> </configuration>@author Ceki Gülcü @author Sébastien Pennec