Package ch.njol.util

Examples of ch.njol.util.Kleenean

    if (Skript.debug())
      indentation += "    ";
    final ArrayList<TriggerItem> items = new ArrayList<TriggerItem>();
    Kleenean hadDelayBeforeLastIf = Kleenean.FALSE;
    for (final Node n : node) {
      if (n instanceof SimpleNode) {
        final SimpleNode e = (SimpleNode) n;
        final String s = replaceOptions("" + e.getKey());
        if (!SkriptParser.validateLine(s))
        final Statement stmt = Statement.parse(s, "Can't understand this condition/effect: " + s);
        if (stmt == null)
        if (Skript.debug() || n.debug())
          Skript.debug(indentation + stmt.toString(null, true));
        if (stmt instanceof Delay)
          hasDelayBefore = Kleenean.TRUE;
      } else if (n instanceof SectionNode) {
        String name = replaceOptions("" + n.getKey());
        if (!SkriptParser.validateLine(name))
        if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(name, "loop ")) {
          final String l = "" + name.substring("loop ".length());
          final RetainingLogHandler h = SkriptLogger.startRetainingLog();
          Expression<?> loopedExpr;
          try {
            loopedExpr = new SkriptParser(l).parseExpression(Object.class);
            if (loopedExpr != null)
              loopedExpr = loopedExpr.getConvertedExpression(Object.class);
            if (loopedExpr == null) {
              h.printErrors("Can't understand this loop: '" + name + "'");
          } finally {
          if (loopedExpr.isSingle()) {
            Skript.error("Can't loop " + loopedExpr + " because it's only a single value");
          if (Skript.debug() || n.debug())
            Skript.debug(indentation + "loop " + loopedExpr.toString(null, true) + ":");
          final Kleenean hadDelayBefore = hasDelayBefore;
          items.add(new Loop(loopedExpr, (SectionNode) n));
          if (hadDelayBefore != Kleenean.TRUE && hasDelayBefore != Kleenean.FALSE)
            hasDelayBefore = Kleenean.UNKNOWN;
        } else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(name, "while ")) {
          final String l = "" + name.substring("while ".length());
          final Condition c = Condition.parse(l, "Can't understand this condition: " + l);
          if (c == null)
          if (Skript.debug() || n.debug())
            Skript.debug(indentation + "while " + c.toString(null, true) + ":");
          final Kleenean hadDelayBefore = hasDelayBefore;
          items.add(new While(c, (SectionNode) n));
          if (hadDelayBefore != Kleenean.TRUE && hasDelayBefore != Kleenean.FALSE)
            hasDelayBefore = Kleenean.UNKNOWN;
        } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("else")) {
          if (items.size() == 0 || !(items.get(items.size() - 1) instanceof Conditional) || ((Conditional) items.get(items.size() - 1)).hasElseClause()) {
            Skript.error("'else' has to be placed just after an 'if' or 'else if' section");
          if (Skript.debug() || n.debug())
            Skript.debug(indentation + "else:");
          final Kleenean hadDelayAfterLastIf = hasDelayBefore;
          hasDelayBefore = hadDelayBeforeLastIf;
          ((Conditional) items.get(items.size() - 1)).loadElseClause((SectionNode) n);
          hasDelayBefore = hadDelayBeforeLastIf.or(hadDelayAfterLastIf.and(hasDelayBefore));
        } else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(name, "else if ")) {
          if (items.size() == 0 || !(items.get(items.size() - 1) instanceof Conditional) || ((Conditional) items.get(items.size() - 1)).hasElseClause()) {
            Skript.error("'else if' has to be placed just after another 'if' or 'else if' section");
          name = "" + name.substring("else if ".length());
          final Condition cond = Condition.parse(name, "can't understand this condition: '" + name + "'");
          if (cond == null)
          if (Skript.debug() || n.debug())
            Skript.debug(indentation + "else if " + cond.toString(null, true));
          final Kleenean hadDelayAfterLastIf = hasDelayBefore;
          hasDelayBefore = hadDelayBeforeLastIf;
          ((Conditional) items.get(items.size() - 1)).loadElseIf(cond, (SectionNode) n);
          hasDelayBefore = hadDelayBeforeLastIf.or(hadDelayAfterLastIf.and(hasDelayBefore.and(Kleenean.UNKNOWN)));
        } else {
          if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(name, "if "))
            name = "" + name.substring(3);
          final Condition cond = Condition.parse(name, "can't understand this condition: '" + name + "'");
          if (cond == null)
          if (Skript.debug() || n.debug())
            Skript.debug(indentation + cond.toString(null, true) + ":");
          final Kleenean hadDelayBefore = hasDelayBefore;
          hadDelayBeforeLastIf = hadDelayBefore;
          items.add(new Conditional(cond, (SectionNode) n));
          hasDelayBefore = hadDelayBefore.or(hasDelayBefore.and(Kleenean.UNKNOWN));
    for (int i = 0; i < items.size() - 1; i++)
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        return r;
      final List<Expression<? extends T>> ts = new ArrayList<Expression<? extends T>>();
      Kleenean and = Kleenean.UNKNOWN;
      boolean isLiteralList = true;
      final List<int[]> pieces = new ArrayList<int[]>();
        final Matcher m = listSplitPattern.matcher(expr);
        int i = 0, j = 0;
        for (; i >= 0 && i <= expr.length(); i = next(expr, i, context)) {
          if (i == expr.length() || m.region(i, expr.length()).lookingAt()) {
            pieces.add(new int[] {j, i});
            if (i == expr.length())
            j = i = m.end();
        if (i != expr.length()) {
          assert i == -1 && context != ParseContext.COMMAND : i + "; " + expr;
          log.printError("Invalid brackets/variables/text in '" + expr + "'", ErrorQuality.NOT_AN_EXPRESSION);
          return null;
      if (pieces.size() == 1) { // not a list of expressions, and a single one has failed to parse above
        if (expr.startsWith("(") && expr.endsWith(")") && next(expr, 0, context) == expr.length()) {
          return new SkriptParser(this, "" + expr.substring(1, expr.length() - 1)).parseExpression(types);
        if (isObject && (flags & PARSE_LITERALS) != 0) { // single expression - can return an UnparsedLiteral now
          return (Expression<? extends T>) new UnparsedLiteral(expr, log.getError());
        // results in useless errors most of the time
//        log.printError("'" + expr + "' " + Language.get("is") + " " + notOfType(types), ErrorQuality.NOT_AN_EXPRESSION);
        return null;
      outer: for (int b = 0; b < pieces.size();) {
        for (int a = pieces.size() - b; a >= 1; a--) {
          if (b == 0 && a == pieces.size()) // i.e. the whole expression - already tried to parse above
          final int x = pieces.get(b)[0], y = pieces.get(b + a - 1)[1];
          final String subExpr = "" + expr.substring(x, y).trim();
          assert subExpr.length() < expr.length() : subExpr;
          final Expression<? extends T> t;
          if (subExpr.startsWith("(") && subExpr.endsWith(")") && next(subExpr, 0, context) == subExpr.length())
            t = new SkriptParser(this, subExpr).parseExpression(types); // only parse as possible expression list if its surrounded by brackets
            t = new SkriptParser(this, subExpr).parseSingleExpr(a == 1, log.getError(), types); // otherwise parse as a single expression only
          if (t != null) {
            isLiteralList &= t instanceof Literal;
            if (b != 0) {
              final String d = expr.substring(pieces.get(b - 1)[1], x).trim();
              if (!d.equals(",")) {
                if (and.isUnknown()) {
                  and = Kleenean.get(!d.equalsIgnoreCase("or")); // nor is and
                } else {
                  if (and != Kleenean.get(!d.equalsIgnoreCase("or"))) {
                    Skript.warning(MULTIPLE_AND_OR + " List: " + expr);
                    and = Kleenean.TRUE;
            b += a;
            continue outer;
        return null;
//      String lastExpr = expr;
//      int end = expr.length();
//      int expectedEnd = -1;
//      boolean last = false;
//      while (m.find() || (last = !last)) {
//        if (expectedEnd == -1) {
//          if (last)
//            break;
//          expectedEnd = m.start();
//        }
//        final int start = last ? 0 : m.end();
//        final Expression<? extends T> t;
//        if (context != ParseContext.COMMAND && (start < expr.length() && expr.charAt(start) == '(' || end - 1 > 0 && expr.charAt(end - 1) == ')')) {
//          if (start < expr.length() && expr.charAt(start) == '(' && end - 1 > 0 && expr.charAt(end - 1) == ')' && next(expr, start, context) == end)
//            t = new SkriptParser(lastExpr = "" + expr.substring(start + 1, end - 1), flags, context).parseExpression(types);
//          else
//            t = null;
//        } else {
//          t = new SkriptParser(lastExpr = "" + expr.substring(start, end), flags, context).parseSingleExpr(types);
//        }
//        if (t != null) {
//          isLiteralList &= t instanceof Literal;
//          if (!last && != null) {
//            if (and.isUnknown()) {
//              and = Kleenean.get(!"or")); // nor is and
//            } else {
//              if (and != Kleenean.get(!"or"))) {
//                Skript.warning(MULTIPLE_AND_OR);
//                and = Kleenean.TRUE;
//              }
//            }
//          }
//          ts.addFirst(t);
//          if (last)
//            break;
//          end = m.start();
//          m.region(0, end);
//        } else {
//          log.clear();
//          if (last)
//            end = -2; // fails the test below
//        }
//      }
//      if (end != expectedEnd) {
//        log.printError("'" + lastExpr + "' " + Language.get("is") + " " + notOfType(types), ErrorQuality.NOT_AN_EXPRESSION);
//        return null;
//      }
      if (ts.size() == 1)
        return ts.get(0);
      if (and.isUnknown())
        Skript.warning(MISSING_AND_OR + ": " + expr);
      final Class<? extends T>[] exprRetTypes = new Class[ts.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < ts.size(); i++)
        exprRetTypes[i] = ts.get(i).getReturnType();
      if (isLiteralList) {
        final Literal<T>[] ls = ts.toArray(new Literal[ts.size()]);
        assert ls != null;
        return new LiteralList<T>(ls, (Class<T>) Utils.getSuperType(exprRetTypes), !and.isFalse());
      } else {
        final Expression<T>[] es = ts.toArray(new Expression[ts.size()]);
        assert es != null;
        return new ExpressionList<T>(es, (Class<T>) Utils.getSuperType(exprRetTypes), !and.isFalse());
    } finally {
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Related Classes of ch.njol.util.Kleenean

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