public void canCreateTable_usingJdbcTemplate() {
this.connUtil.doWork(new DbWork() {
public void execute(Connection conn) {
JdbcTemplate jt = JuConnUtils.asJdbcTemplate(conn);
// Drop table in case the test wasn't succesful last time
try {
jt.execute("drop table juConnUtilTestTable");
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Expected...
// Create new test table
jt.execute("CREATE TABLE juConnUtilTestTable (id NUMERIC(19))");
jt.execute("insert into juConnUtilTestTable (id) values (1)");
// Query the table
Long id = jt.queryForLong("select id from juConnUtilTestTable where id=1");
Assert.assertEquals(new Long(1), id);
// Create a new connUtil to make sure we'll see the changes there...
JuConnUtil connUtil2 =
.profile(JuUtils.getJuPropertyChain().get("ju-dbutil-test.profile", true))
connUtil2.doWork(new DbWork() {
public void execute(Connection conn) {
Long id2 = JuConnUtils.asJdbcTemplate(conn).queryForLong("select id from juConnUtilTestTable where id=1");
Assert.assertEquals(new Long(1), id2);