private double runForward(CRF crf, ArrayList<GEConstraint> constraints1, ArrayList<GEConstraint> constraints2, double[][] gammas,
double[][][] xis, int[][] reverseTrans, FeatureVectorSequence fvs) {
double dotEx = 0;
LogNumber[] oneStateValueCache = new LogNumber[numStates];
LogNumber nuAlpha = new LogNumber(Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT,true);
LogNumber temp = new LogNumber(Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT,true);
for (int ip = 0; ip < latticeLength-1; ++ip) {
FeatureVector fv = fvs.get(ip);
// speed things up by giving the constraints an
// opportunity to cache, for example, which
// constrained input features appear in this
// FeatureVector
for (GEConstraint constraint : constraints1) {
for (GEConstraint constraint : constraints2) {
boolean[] oneStateValComputed = new boolean[numStates];
for (int prev = 0; prev < numStates; prev++) {
if (ip != 0) {
int[] prevPrevs = reverseTrans[prev];
// calculate only once: \sum_y_{i-1} w_a(y_{i-1},y_i)
for (int ppi = 0; ppi < prevPrevs.length; ppi++) {
assert (!Double.isNaN(nuAlpha.logVal));
CRF.State prevState = (CRF.State)crf.getState(prev);
LatticeNode node = lattice[ip][prev];
double[] xi = xis[ip][prev];
double gamma = gammas[ip][prev];
for (int ci = 0; ci < prevState.numDestinations(); ci++) {
int curr = prevState.getDestinationState(ci).getIndex();
double dot = 0;
for (GEConstraint constraint : constraints2) {
dot += constraint.getCompositeConstraintFeatureValue(fv, ip, prev, curr);
// avoid recomputing one-state constraint features #labels times
if (!oneStateValComputed[curr]) {
double osVal = 0;
for (GEConstraint constraint : constraints1) {
osVal += constraint.getCompositeConstraintFeatureValue(fv, ip, prev, curr);
if (osVal < 0) {
dotEx += Math.exp(gammas[ip+1][curr]) * osVal;
oneStateValueCache[curr] = new LogNumber(Math.log(-osVal),false);
else if (osVal > 0) {
dotEx += Math.exp(gammas[ip+1][curr]) * osVal;
oneStateValueCache[curr] = new LogNumber(Math.log(osVal),true);
else {
oneStateValueCache[curr] = null;
oneStateValComputed[curr] = true;
// combine the one and two state constraint feature values
if (dot == 0 && oneStateValueCache[curr] == null) {
dotCache[ip][prev][curr] = null;
else if (dot == 0 && oneStateValueCache[curr] != null) {
dotCache[ip][prev][curr] = oneStateValueCache[curr];
else {
dotEx += Math.exp(xi[curr]) * dot;
if (dot < 0) {
dotCache[ip][prev][curr] = new LogNumber(Math.log(-dot),false);
else {
dotCache[ip][prev][curr] = new LogNumber(Math.log(dot),true);
if (oneStateValueCache[curr] != null) {
// update the dynamic programming table
if (dotCache[ip][prev][curr] != null) {
if (gamma == Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT) {
node.alpha[curr] = new LogNumber(Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT,true);
} else {
temp.set(xi[curr] - gamma,true);
assert (!Double.isNaN(node.alpha[curr].logVal)) : "xi: " + xi[curr] + ", gamma: "
+ gamma + ", constraint feature: " + dotCache[ip][prev][curr]
+ ", nuApha: " + nuAlpha + " dot: " + dot;