
Examples of

        init(rootNode, method);

    private void init(ASTRootNode rootNode, Method method) {
        this.rootNode = rootNode;
        TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(method.getGenericReturnType());
        isForList = typeToken.isList();
        isForSet = typeToken.isSet();
        isForArray = typeToken.isArray();
        mappedClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
        rowMapper = getRowMapper(mappedClass);

        TypeContext context = buildTypeContext(method.getGenericParameterTypes());
        rootNode.checkType(context); // 检测sql中的参数是否和方法上的参数匹配
        checkCacheBy(rootNode); // 如果使用cache,检测cache参数
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            throw new IncorrectDefinitionException("if @DB.tablePartition is defined, " +
                    "need one and only one @ShardBy on method's parameter");
        if (num == 1) {
            Type shardType = getTypeContext().getPropertyType(shardParameterName, shardPropertyPath);
            TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(shardType);
            Class<?> mappedClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
            if (mappedClass == null || typeToken.isIterable()) {
                throw new IncorrectParameterTypeException("the type of parameter Modified @ShardBy is error, " +
                        "type is " + shardType);
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        if (method.getGenericParameterTypes().length != 1) {
            throw new IncorrectParameterCountException("batch update expected one and only one parameter but " +
                    method.getGenericParameterTypes().length); // 批量更新只能有一个参数
        Type type = method.getGenericParameterTypes()[0];
        TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(type);
        Class<?> mappedClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
        if (mappedClass == null || !typeToken.isIterable()) {
            throw new IncorrectParameterTypeException("parameter of batch update " +
                    "expected array or implementations of java.util.List or implementations of java.util.Set " +
                    "but " + type); // 批量更新的参数必须可迭代
        return new Type[]{mappedClass};
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        super(rootNode, method, sqlType);

    private void init() {
        TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(method.getGenericReturnType());
        isForList = typeToken.isList();
        isForSet = typeToken.isSet();
        isForArray = typeToken.isArray();
        Class<?> mappedClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
        rowMapper = getRowMapper(mappedClass);

        List<ASTIterableParameter> ips = rootNode.getIterableParameters();
        if (!ips.isEmpty() && !isForList && !isForSet && !isForArray) {
            throw new IncorrectReturnTypeException("if sql has in clause, return type " +
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            throw new IncorrectParameterCountException("batch update expected one and only one parameter but " +
                    method.getGenericParameterTypes().length); // 批量更新只能有一个参数

        Type type = method.getGenericParameterTypes()[0];
        TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(type);
        Class<?> mappedClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
        if (mappedClass == null || !typeToken.isIterable()) {
            throw new IncorrectParameterTypeException("parameter of batch update " +
                    "expected array or implementations of java.util.List or implementations of java.util.Set " +
                    "but " + type); // 批量更新的参数必须可迭代
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        init(rootNode, method);

    private void init(ASTRootNode rootNode, Method method) {
        this.rootNode = rootNode;
        TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(method.getGenericReturnType());
        isForList = typeToken.isList();
        isForSet = typeToken.isSet();
        isForArray = typeToken.isArray();
        mappedClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
        rowMapper = getRowMapper(mappedClass);

        TypeContext context = buildTypeContext(method.getGenericParameterTypes());
        rootNode.checkType(context); // 检测sql中的参数是否和方法上的参数匹配
        checkCacheBy(rootNode); // 如果使用cache,检测cache参数
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                Type suffixType = getTypeContext().getPropertyType(suffixParameterName, suffixPropertyPath);
                TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(suffixType);
                useMultipleKeys = typeToken.isIterable();
                suffixClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
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        super(rootNode, method, sqlType);
        init(rootNode, method);

    private void init(ASTRootNode rootNode, Method method) {
        TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(method.getGenericReturnType());
        isForList = typeToken.isList();
        isForSet = typeToken.isSet();
        isForArray = typeToken.isArray();
        Class<?> mappedClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
        rowMapper = getRowMapper(mappedClass);

        List<ASTIterableParameter> ips = rootNode.getIterableParameters();
        if (!ips.isEmpty() && !isForList && !isForSet && !isForArray) {
            throw new IncorrectReturnTypeException("if sql has in clause, return type " +
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    public void checkType(TypeContext context) {
        Type type = context.getPropertyType(parameterName, propertyPath);
        TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(type);
        Class<?> mappedClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
        if (mappedClass == null || typeToken.isIterable() || !JdbcUtils.isSingleColumnClass(mappedClass)) {
            throw new IncorrectParameterTypeException("invalid type of " + fullName + ", " +
                    "expected a class can be identified by jdbc but " + type);
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    public void checkType(TypeContext context) {
        Type type = context.getPropertyType(parameterName, propertyPath);
        TypeToken typeToken = new TypeToken(type);
        Class<?> mappedClass = typeToken.getMappedClass();
        if (!typeToken.isIterable()) { // 不是集合或数组抛出异常
            throw new IncorrectParameterTypeException("invalid type of " + fullName + ", " +
                    "expected array or implementations of java.util.List or implementations of java.util.Set " +
                    "but " + type);
        if (mappedClass == null || !JdbcUtils.isSingleColumnClass(mappedClass)) {
            String s = typeToken.isArray() ? "component" : "actual";
            throw new IncorrectParameterTypeException("invalid " + s + " type of " + fullName + ", " +
                    s + " type of " + fullName + " expected a class can be identified by jdbc " +
                    "but " + typeToken.getMappedType());
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