session.setUserInfo(new NoInteractionUserInfo(myPassword));
scp = new SCP(session);
SSH ssh = new SSH(session);
myHighLevelConsoleStream.println("Sending sketch " + hexFile + " to " + myHost);
scpFiles(scp, hexFile);
myHighLevelConsoleStream.println("Sketch is now on yun: /tmp/sketch.hex");
// String additionalParams = verbose ? prefs.get("upload.params.verbose") : prefs.get("upload.params.quiet");
String additionalParams = "";// Common.getBuildEnvironmentVariable(myProject, myCConf, ArduinoConst. upload.params.quiet, "");
// not sure why but I need to swap err and out not to get red text
PrintStream stderr = new PrintStream(myOutconsole);
PrintStream stdout = new PrintStream(myErrconsole);
myHighLevelConsoleStream.println("merge-sketch-with-bootloader.lua /tmp/sketch.hex");
ret = ssh.execSyncCommand("merge-sketch-with-bootloader.lua /tmp/sketch.hex", stdout, stderr);
ssh.execSyncCommand("kill-bridge", stdout, stderr);
myHighLevelConsoleStream.println("run-avrdude /tmp/sketch.hex '" + additionalParams + "'");
ret = ret && ssh.execSyncCommand("run-avrdude /tmp/sketch.hex '" + additionalParams + "'", stdout, stderr);
} catch (JSchException e) {
String message = e.getMessage();
String errormessage = "";
if ("Auth cancel".equals(message) || "Auth fail".equals(message)) {