jobConf.set( "io.serializations", TestSerialization.class.getName() + "," + WritableSerialization.class.getName() ); // disable/replace WritableSerialization class
jobConf.set( "cascading.serialization.tokens", "1000=" + BooleanWritable.class.getName() + ",10001=" + Text.class.getName() ); // not using Text, just testing parsing
HadoopFlowProcess flowProcess = new HadoopFlowProcess( jobConf );
HadoopSpillableTupleMap map = new HadoopSpillableTupleMap( SpillableProps.defaultMapInitialCapacity, SpillableProps.defaultMapLoadFactor, mapThreshold, listThreshold, flowProcess );
Set<Integer> keySet = new HashSet<Integer>();
Random gen = new Random( 1 );
for( int i = 0; i < listSize * numKeys; i++ )
String aString = "string number " + i;
double random = Math.random();
double keys = numKeys / 3.0;
int key = (int) ( gen.nextDouble() * keys + gen.nextDouble() * keys + gen.nextDouble() * keys );
Tuple tuple = new Tuple( i, aString, random, new Text( aString ), new TestText( aString ), new Tuple( "inner tuple", new BytesWritable( aString.getBytes() ) ) );
map.get( new Tuple( key ) ).add( tuple );
keySet.add( key );
// the list test above verifies the contents are being serialized, the Map is just a container of lists.
assertEquals( "not equal: map.size();", keySet.size(), map.size() );