Class CascadingServices is the root class for pluggable services Cascading can call out to for distributed monitoring and management systems.
Be default all services will be loaded from the jar {@code cascading/management/}( {@link #DEFAULT_PROPERTIES}) resource is found in. If the property {@link #CONTAINER_ENABLED} value is {@code false}, a ClassLoader container will not be created.
For this to work, all service implementation and dependencies must be archived into a single jar.
If any packages in the jar should be excluded, set a comma delimited list of names via the {@link #CONTAINER_EXCLUDE}property.
If the file {@code} ({@link CascadingServices#CASCADING_SERVICES}) is found in the CLASSPATH, the {@code} property value will be used to search for{@code cascading/management/} resource.
@see CascadingService