Description descriptionAnnotation = next.getAnnotation(Description.class);
TreeMap<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> orderMap = theOrderToElementDef;
Extension extensionAttr = next.getAnnotation(Extension.class);
if (extensionAttr != null) {
orderMap = theOrderToExtensionDef;
String elementName = childAnnotation.name();
int order = childAnnotation.order();
if (order == Child.REPLACE_PARENT) {
if (extensionAttr != null) {
for (Entry<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> nextEntry : orderMap.entrySet()) {
BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition nextDef = nextEntry.getValue();
if (nextDef instanceof RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition) {
if (nextDef.getExtensionUrl().equals(extensionAttr.url())) {
order = nextEntry.getKey();
if (order == Child.REPLACE_PARENT) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Field " + next.getName() + "' on target type " + theClass.getSimpleName() + " has order() of REPLACE_PARENT (" + Child.REPLACE_PARENT + ") but no parent element with extension URL " + extensionAttr.url()
+ " could be found on type " + next.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName());
} else {
for (Entry<Integer, BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition> nextEntry : orderMap.entrySet()) {
BaseRuntimeDeclaredChildDefinition nextDef = nextEntry.getValue();
if (elementName.equals(nextDef.getElementName())) {
order = nextEntry.getKey();
if (order == Child.REPLACE_PARENT) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Field " + next.getName() + "' on target type " + theClass.getSimpleName() + " has order() of REPLACE_PARENT (" + Child.REPLACE_PARENT + ") but no parent element with name " + elementName + " could be found on type "
+ next.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName());
if (order < 0 && order != Child.ORDER_UNKNOWN) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid order '" + order + "' on @Child for field '" + next.getName() + "' on target type: " + theClass);
if (order != Child.ORDER_UNKNOWN) {
order = order + baseElementOrder;
int min = childAnnotation.min();
int max = childAnnotation.max();
* Anything that's marked as unknown is given a new ID that is <0 so that it doesn't conflict wityh any
* given IDs and can be figured out later
while (order == Child.ORDER_UNKNOWN && orderMap.containsKey(order)) {
List<Class<? extends IElement>> choiceTypes = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IElement>>();
for (Class<? extends IElement> nextChoiceType : childAnnotation.type()) {
if (orderMap.containsKey(order)) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Detected duplicate field order '" + childAnnotation.order() + "' for element named '" + elementName + "' in type '" + theClass.getCanonicalName() + "'");
if (elementNames.contains(elementName)) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Detected duplicate field name '" + elementName + "' in type '" + theClass.getCanonicalName() + "'");
Class<?> nextElementType = determineElementType(next);
if (nextElementType.equals(ContainedDt.class)) {
* Child is contained resources
RuntimeChildContainedResources def = new RuntimeChildContainedResources(next, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, elementName);
orderMap.put(order, def);
} else if (choiceTypes.size() > 1 && !ResourceReferenceDt.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) {
* Child is a choice element
for (Class<? extends IElement> nextType : choiceTypes) {
RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition def = new RuntimeChildChoiceDefinition(next, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, choiceTypes);
orderMap.put(order, def);
} else if (next.getType().equals(ExtensionDt.class)) {
RuntimeChildExtensionDt def = new RuntimeChildExtensionDt(next, elementName, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation);
orderMap.put(order, def);
if (IElement.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) {
addScanAlso((Class<? extends IElement>) nextElementType);
} else if (extensionAttr != null) {
* Child is an extension
Class<? extends IElement> et = (Class<? extends IElement>) nextElementType;
RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition def = new RuntimeChildDeclaredExtensionDefinition(next, childAnnotation, descriptionAnnotation, extensionAttr, elementName, extensionAttr.url(), et);
orderMap.put(order, def);
if (IElement.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) {
addScanAlso((Class<? extends IElement>) nextElementType);
} else if (BaseResourceReferenceDt.class.isAssignableFrom(nextElementType)) {